Different archive backends may not cope well with large file sizes.
Additionally, Fling admins may want to restrict the maximum file size to
protect their server.
DirectDownload now uses the new Fling API, including one-time tokens for
When accessing a fling, while loading the fling, instead of showing the
ArtifactList an empty page is shown. This way the redirection does not
leak through so visibly when using direct download and the loading of
the fling takes a bit longer.
AuthCode to protect a fling can now be set in settings. AuthCode was moved to
the Fling table. Only one auth code per fling is possible now. AuthCode is
stored hashed in the database.
Additionally, implement reset of settings (Cancel button) by reloading the fling
from the database.
- Front end for expiration time/date
- Setting expiration via `PUT /fling/{flingId}`
- Settings for protection code enabled in front-end (no backend)
- Upload drop container used to loose focus when hovering over child elements.
This is fixed now.
Download first gets an unprotected, temporary download URL. It then loads an
iframe with the retrieved URL, which causes to browser to download the file.
This is done to prevent a reload of the page while at the same time use the
standard browser file download functionality. Other solutions found cause
problems with bigger files since they download the file first and then generate
a binary blob in the DOM.
Delete just deletes an artifact and reloads the artifact list. A potential
problem could occur if the removal in the archive fails while the file is
already deleted from the database.
Signed-off-by: Armin Friedl <dev@friedl.net>
Basic Fling backend with admin interface.
- Basic admin site structure
- Token authorization
- Upload artifacts
- Change basic fling settings
Many things missing still or not fully functional.
Signed-off-by: Armin Friedl <dev@friedl.net>