import flingclient as fc from import ApiException from datetime import datetime # Per default the dockerized fling service runs on localhost:3000 In case you # run your own instance, change the base url configuration = fc.Configuration(host="http://localhost:3000") # Every call, with the exception of `/api/auth`, is has to be authorized by a # bearer token. Get a token by authenticating as admin and set it into the # configuration. All subsequent calls will send this token in the header as # `Authorization: Bearer header` def authenticate(admin_user, admin_password): with fc.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client: auth_client = fc.AuthApi(api_client) admin_auth = fc.AdminAuth(admin_user, admin_password) configuration.access_token = auth_client.authenticate_owner(admin_auth=admin_auth) admin_user = input("Username: ") admin_password = input("Password: ") authenticate(admin_user, admin_password) with fc.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client: # Create a new fling fling_client = fc.FlingApi(api_client) fling = fc.Fling(name="A Fling from Python", auth_code="secret", direct_download=False, allow_upload=True, expiration_time=datetime(2099, 12, 12)) fling = fling_client.post_fling() print(f"Created a new fling: {fling}") #