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2016-06-23 00:40:48 +00:00
\abx @aux@cite{ williams2009}
\abx @aux@cite{ berstrom}
2016-06-19 18:30:49 +00:00
\abx @aux@cite{ ark4210}
\abx @aux@cite{ intel2016}
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\abx @aux@cite{ intel2}
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\abx @aux@cite{ shimpi2012}
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\abx @aux@cite{ bergstrom2}
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\newlabel { fig:roofline} { { 1} { 4} { Roofline graph from the values obtained in~\prettyref { sec:peak} and~\prettyref { sec:memory} \relax } { figure.caption.3} { } }
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