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The best results for various kernels are given in~\prettyref{tbl:res-kernels}. The optimization binary \verb|roofline_full_manpack| was used for these results. This is the binary with all optimizations and the intrinsics kernel enabled. The following parameters were used: \verb|roofline_full_manpack -s 150000000 -r 5|. One double array was therefore 1144.41 MB big -- clearly too big for the cache.
Note how \verb|simple8| is clearly flawed with \verb|-ffast-math| enabled. This is due to the non IEEE compliant optimization as described in~\prettyref{sec:advanced-kernels}. At this level of optimization only \verb|simple8fastmath| (which is fastmath safe but flawed with lower optimization levels) should be considered as a \emph{replacement} of \verb|simple8|.
Kernel & Max. GFLOP/s \\
simple16 & 0.9919 \\
fma16 & 0.9891 \\
simple8 & 123.4004 \\
simple8fastmath & 8.7187 \\
fma8 & 21.7866 \\
fma8manpack & 18.9066 \\
\caption{Results for various kernels}
The rooftop graph with the best runs of the 2 best kernels of each category (\verb|simple16| and \verb|fma8|) is depictured in~\prettyref{fig:roofline-withres}.
\caption{Roofline graph with kernel results}
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