mark unmatched quotes, trimmed comments

This commit is contained in:
Armin Friedl 2016-08-12 10:23:45 +02:00
parent 20f968dba5
commit 5a5ae4d92d

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@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- I somewhat believe this can be done much better
-- with Monads or Arrows and an eDSL. Parsers like
-- Parsec are already half way there but I just
-- can't wrap my head around how to adapt the
-- concept to our use case.
module Fontifier (fontMap, fontify, Fontification(..)) where module Fontifier (fontMap, fontify, Fontification(..)) where
{---- Imports ----} {---- Imports ----}
@ -26,9 +19,13 @@ data Fontification = FT { ftStart :: Int -- start index in string
, ftAttr :: AttrName -- attribute name , ftAttr :: AttrName -- attribute name
} deriving (Show) } deriving (Show)
-- TODO we could re-structure functions below to make type Fontifications = [Fontification]
-- more use of custom types and buy us some more type Fontifier = (CheckString -> Fontifications)
-- guarantees from the compiler type Slice = (Int,Int)
type Slices = [Slice]
type MatchResult = [Tdfa.MatchArray]
type RegexStr = String
type CheckString = String
{---- Functions ----} {---- Functions ----}
@ -42,146 +39,119 @@ fontMap = [ (attrName "assignment" , fg
, (attrName "err_string" , Vty.withStyle (fg Vty.underline) -- unterminated strings , (attrName "err_string" , Vty.withStyle (fg Vty.underline) -- unterminated strings
] ]
-- calls the fontification functions fontify :: CheckString -> Fontifications
-- and returns a list of attributes for text slices.
-- Fontification functions must take an IsString
-- (either a ByteString, Text or normal String) and
-- return a [Fontification] list
fontify :: String -> [Fontification]
fontify = concatApply [ assignments, returns fontify = concatApply [ assignments, returns
, strings , strings
, guards, comments , guards, comments
, mismatchedBrackets , mismatchedBrackets
, untermStrings2
, untermStrings] , untermStrings]
-- TODO: CLEAN UP ALL THAT LENGHTY COMMENTS concatApply :: [Fontifier] -> CheckString -> Fontifications
-- applies the functions in order
-- the fontification of the last function overrules
-- all previous ones in case more than one matches for a slice.
-- The last function has the highest precedence.
-- This can be useful to make e.g. comments "stronger" than strings:
-- A string in a comment is then fontified as comment.
-- This works because [Fontification] is applied in order in Gui.hs.
-- We /could/ also enforce this by a special type for [Fontification]
concatApply :: [(String -> [Fontification])] -> String -> [Fontification]
concatApply [] _ = [] concatApply [] _ = []
concatApply (f:fs) s = (f $ fromString s) ++ concatApply fs s concatApply (f:fs) s = f s ++ concatApply fs s
-- the same as concatApply just that the first function
-- in the list has the highest precedence
concatRevply :: [(String -> [Fontification])] -> String -> [Fontification]
concatRevply fs = concatApply (reverse fs)
-- TODO: most of the .+ don't actually allow any whitespace-like character -- TODO: most of the .+ don't actually allow any whitespace-like character
-- maybe we should use \w instead? -- maybe we should use \w instead?
-- regexes can be improved in many ways i think
-- TODO2: We could pack the "attr" "regex" into a type and run through
-- them in a function
-- -> 1. The definitions would be in one place and not spilled
-- over the whole file in these mini-functions
-- -> 2. We could make Fontifier.hs even more general and provide:
-- font definition, regexes and custom font functions
-- through another file. This way we could define
-- fontification for >1 grammer. Not that this is
-- demanded by the assignment ^^
assignments :: String -> [Fontification] assignments :: CheckString -> Fontifications
assignments = matchAttrAll "assignment" "\\**.+=.+;" assignments = matchAttrAll "assignment" "\\**.+=.+;"
guards :: String -> [Fontification] guards :: CheckString -> Fontifications
guards = matchAttrAll "guard" "\\[.+:.+\\]" guards = matchAttrAll "guard" "\\[.+:.+\\]"
returns :: String -> [Fontification] returns :: CheckString -> Fontifications
returns = matchAttrAll "return" "\\^.+;" returns = matchAttrAll "return" "\\^.+;"
strings :: String -> [Fontification] strings :: CheckString -> Fontifications
strings = matchAttrAll "string" "\".*\"" strings = matchAttrAll "string" "\"[^%]*\""
comments :: String -> [Fontification] comments :: CheckString -> Fontifications
comments = matchAttrAll "comment" "%.*" comments = matchAttrAll "comment" "%.*"
matchAttrAll :: String -> String -> String -> [Fontification] matchAttrAll :: String -> RegexStr -> CheckString -> Fontifications
matchAttrAll attribute regexString bs = matchAttrAll attribute regexString bs =
let regex = Tdfa.makeRegex regexString :: Tdfa.Regex let regex = Tdfa.makeRegex regexString :: Tdfa.Regex
in matchToFT (attrName attribute) $ Tdfa.matchAll regex bs in matchToFT (attrName attribute) $ Tdfa.matchAll regex bs
-- Converts contents of a MatchArray (result of a regex matching) -- Converts contents of a MatchArray (result of a regex matching)
-- to a fontification with the given attribute -- to a fontification with the given attribute
matchToFT :: AttrName -> [Tdfa.MatchArray] -> [Fontification] matchToFT :: AttrName -> MatchResult -> Fontifications
matchToFT attrName matchArray = map sliceToFT (matchesToSlices matchArray) matchToFT attrName matchArray = map sliceToFT (matchesToSlices matchArray)
where sliceToFT (start,end) = FT start end attrName where sliceToFT (start,end) = FT start end attrName
matchesToSlices :: [Tdfa.MatchArray] -> [(Int,Int)] matchesToSlices :: MatchResult -> Slices
matchesToSlices [] = [] matchesToSlices [] = []
matchesToSlices (m:ms) = let match = m ! 0 -- get 1st elem of match array (this is the whole match, which we want) matchesToSlices (m:ms) = let match = m ! 0 -- get 1st elem of match array (this is the whole match, which we want)
in (fst match, (fst match) + (snd match)): matchesToSlices ms in (fst match, (fst match) + (snd match)): matchesToSlices ms
-- TODO per se regexes are too weak to find matching mismatchedBrackets :: CheckString -> Fontifications
-- things. We could use a regex lib that supports
-- backreferences to achieve this though (i think)
-- But this:
-- a) is not so easy to get completely right
-- (
-- b) may backtrack a lot (but is also more powerful than what we have below)
-- c) tdfa lib is one of or the most efficient lib(s) for haskell (i think)
mismatchedBrackets :: String -> [Fontification]
mismatchedBrackets s = concatMap fontifyMismatched pairs mismatchedBrackets s = concatMap fontifyMismatched pairs
where fontifyMismatched = mismatched (attrName "err_brackets") s where fontifyMismatched = mismatched (attrName "err_brackets") s
pairs = [('(',')'),('[',']'),('{','}')] pairs = [('(',')'),('[',']'),('{','}')]
mismatched :: AttrName -> String -> (Char, Char) -> [Fontification] mismatched :: AttrName -> CheckString -> (Char, Char) -> Fontifications
mismatched attrName s (open, close) = slicesToFT attrName $ (fst orphans)++(snd orphans) mismatched attrName s (open, close) = slicesToFT attrName $ (fst orphans)++(snd orphans)
where orphans = mismatched' s 0 ([],[]) where orphans = mismatched' s 0 ([],[])
stringsFts = strings s -- this is ugly stringsFts = strings s
commentsFts = comments s -- this is ugly commentsFts = comments s
mismatched' [] _ ophs = ophs mismatched' [] _ ophs = ophs
mismatched' (curChr:restStr) ix ophs mismatched' (curChr:restStr) ix ophs
-- 1. this is ugly, 2. if it's already fontified, go on | or $ map (isFontified (ix,ix+1)) [stringsFts, commentsFts] = mismatched' restStr (ix+1) ophs -- already fontified? -> continue
| or $ map (isFontified (ix,ix+1)) [stringsFts, commentsFts] = mismatched' restStr (ix+1) ophs | curChr == open = mismatched' restStr (ix+1) ((ix, ix+1):(fst ophs), snd ophs) -- open? -> assume orphan
-- if we encounter an open it is an orphan until we find a close
-- chars are always 1 long -> (ix,ix+1)
-- use of (:) reverses the occurences but is more efficient than (++)
| curChr == open = mismatched' restStr (ix+1) ((ix, ix+1):(fst ophs), snd ophs)
-- if we encounter a close delete nearest open or mark as orphan itself
| curChr == close = case null (fst ophs) of | curChr == close = case null (fst ophs) of
-- if orphans is empty the close itself is an orphan (has no matching open) True -> mismatched' restStr (ix+1) (fst ophs, (ix,ix+1):(snd ophs)) -- close but no orphaned open? -> fix as orphan
-- -> put it into mandatory (snd orphans), these are never pruned False -> mismatched' restStr (ix+1) (tail (fst ophs), snd ophs) -- close and ophaned open exists? -> delete nearest orphaned open
-- -> this is imo the ugliest thing about this function, but I don't know how to | otherwise = mismatched' restStr (ix+1) ophs -- neither open nor close? -> continue
-- solve it nicely
True -> mismatched' restStr (ix+1) (fst ophs, (ix,ix+1):(snd ophs))
-- occurence of close deletes the closest open from orphans (strips
-- head of orphans because we reversed the occurences in | s==open = ...)
False -> mismatched' restStr (ix+1) (tail (fst ophs), snd ophs)
-- current char neither open nor close -> not relevant for us
| otherwise = mismatched' restStr (ix+1) ophs
untermStrings :: String -> [Fontification] untermStrings :: CheckString -> Fontifications
untermStrings s = slicesToFT (attrName "err_string") $ lastChar untermSlices untermStrings s = slicesToFT (attrName "err_string") $ lastChar untermed
where commentsFts = comments s where regex = Tdfa.makeRegex ("\"[^%]*\"[^\\;]"::String) :: Tdfa.Regex
regex = Tdfa.makeRegex ("\".*\"[^\\;]"::String) :: Tdfa.Regex commentsFts = comments s
untermSlices = prune $ matchesToSlices $ Tdfa.matchAll regex s -- strip % from commentsFts
prune [] = [] commentsFts' [] = []
prune (unterm: unterms) commentsFts' (ft: fts) = FT (ftStart ft + 1) (ftEnd ft) (ftAttr ft): commentsFts' fts
| isFontified unterm commentsFts = prune unterms untermed = prune commentsFts $ matchesToSlices $ Tdfa.matchAll regex s
| otherwise = unterm: prune unterms
-- gets the slice containing the char after an untermed string (can be untermStrings2 :: CheckString -> Fontifications
-- special like newline too) untermStrings2 s = slicesToFT (attrName "err_string") $ firstChar untermed
lastChar [] = [] where regex = Tdfa.makeRegex ("\""::String) :: Tdfa.Regex
lastChar (unterm:unterms) = let end = snd unterm matchedSlices = matchesToSlices $ Tdfa.matchAll regex s
in (end-1, end): lastChar unterms untermed = let commentsFts = comments s; stringsFts = strings s
in negPrune (commentsFts++stringsFts) matchedSlices
negPrune _ [] = []
negPrune checkFts (curSlice:slices)
| not $ isFontified curSlice checkFts = curSlice: negPrune checkFts slices
| otherwise = negPrune checkFts slices
prune :: Fontifications -> Slices -> Slices
prune _ [] = []
prune checkFts (curSlice: slices)
| isFontified curSlice checkFts = prune checkFts slices
| otherwise = curSlice: prune checkFts slices
-- gets the slice containing the last char of a slice
lastChar :: Slices -> Slices
lastChar [] = []
lastChar (curSlice:slices) = let end = snd curSlice
in (end-1, end): lastChar slices
-- gets the slice containing the first char of a slice
firstChar :: Slices -> Slices
firstChar [] = []
firstChar (curSlice:slices) = let start = fst curSlice
in (start, start+1): firstChar slices
slicesToFT :: AttrName -> [(Int,Int)] -> [Fontification] slicesToFT :: AttrName -> Slices -> Fontifications
slicesToFT attrName slices = slicesToFT' slices slicesToFT attrName slices = slicesToFT' slices
where slicesToFT' [] = [] where slicesToFT' [] = []
slicesToFT' (m:ms) = let start = fst m; end = snd m slicesToFT' (m:ms) = let start = fst m; end = snd m
in (FT start end attrName) : slicesToFT' ms in (FT start end attrName) : slicesToFT' ms
-- checks if a slice is already contained in a fontification -- checks if a slice is already contained in a fontification
isFontified :: (Int,Int) -> [Fontification] -> Bool isFontified :: Slice -> Fontifications -> Bool
isFontified _ [] = False isFontified _ [] = False
isFontified slice@(start,end) (f:fs) isFontified slice@(start,end) (f:fs)
| ftStart f <= start && ftEnd f >= end = True | ftStart f <= start && ftEnd f >= end = True