This commit is contained in:
Armin Friedl 2016-08-29 11:24:27 +02:00
parent 8db24a3336
commit f372e1f144

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@ -180,14 +180,14 @@ invalidReads s = [] -- do magic here
invalidWrites s = [] -- do magic here
-- facade to init invAcc
invalidAccesses = invAcc [] "" 0
invalidAccesses = invAcc [] 0
-- (alternative if easier than invalid read/invalid write separated)
-- :: CurrentAssignments -> AccumulatorString -> GlobalIndex
invAcc :: [(String,Slice,Bool)] -> String -> Int -> CheckString -> Slices
invAcc a accumStr i ('{':t) = invAcc (enterBlock a) "" (i+1+(length accumStr)) t
invAcc a accumStr i ('}':t) = getUnread a ++ invAcc (leaveBlock a) "" (i+1+(length accumStr)) t
invAcc a accumStr i ('[':t) = invAcc a accumStr (i+1 + g) (drop g t) -- TODO check reads in first part
invAcc :: [(String,Slice,Bool)] -> Int -> CheckString -> Slices
invAcc a i ('{':t) = invAcc (enterBlock a) (i+1) t
invAcc a i ('}':t) = getUnread a ++ invAcc (leaveBlock a) (i+1) t
invAcc a i ('[':t) = invAcc a (i+1 + g) (drop g t) -- TODO check reads in first part
where g = fromJust (elemIndex ':' t)
-- when reading an assignment :word: =
-- put :word:, slice, false in the list
@ -195,29 +195,20 @@ invAcc a accumStr i ('[':t) = invAcc a accumStr (i+1 + g) (drop g t) -- TOD
-- if it is found set its boolean value to true
-- if it is not found add its slice to the result
-- all variables with false at the end of a block are unused
invAcc a accumStr i (c:t) = let writeAcc = getWrite i accumStr
in if isNothing writeAcc
then invAcc a (accumStr ++ [c]) i t -- no assignment in accumStr, don't advance offset
else invAcc (a ++ [fromJust writeAcc]) [c] (i+(length accumStr)) t -- assignment in accumStr, advance offset to end
invAcc a _ _ _ = map (\(_,s,_) -> s) a
{-where aToSlices (a:as) slices = let a2 = (\(v,s,b) -> (s,b)) a
in if snd a2
then aToSlices as slices
else aToSlices as ((fst a2):slices)
aToSlices _ slices = slices-}
invAcc a i s@(c:t) = let writeAcc = getWrite i s
in if isNothing writeAcc
then invAcc a (i+1) t -- no assignment in rest str
else invAcc (a ++ [fromJust writeAcc]) (i+1+(length $ (\(v,_,_) -> v) (fromJust writeAcc))) t -- assignment in accumStr, advance offset to end
invAcc a _ _ = map (\(_,s,_) -> s) a
getWrite :: Int -> String -> Maybe (String, Slice, Bool)
getWrite offset accumStr = ((Tdfa.matchOnceText §~ "(\\**[[:word:]]+)[[:blank:]]*=") accumStr) >>= matchToA
getWrite offset s = ((Tdfa.matchOnceText §~ "^(\\**[[:word:]]+)[[:blank:]]*=") s) >>= matchToA
where matchToA (before, match, after) =
let m = match ! 1 -- extract the match group (0 = the whole match)
in Just (fst m, (offset+(fst (snd m)), offset+(fst (snd m))+(snd (snd m))), False)
getWrites :: CheckString -> [(String, Slice, Bool)]
getWrites s = matchToAs $ (Tdfa.matchAllText §~ "(\\**[[:word:]]+)[[:blank:]]*=") s
where matchToAs (match: mts) =
let m = match ! 1 -- extract the match group (0 = the whole match)
in (fst m, (fst (snd m), (fst (snd m))+(snd (snd m))), False): matchToAs mts
matchToAs _ = []
fst3 :: (a,b,c) -> a
fst3 (a,b,c) = a
enterBlock :: [(String,Slice,Bool)] -> [(String,Slice,Bool)]
enterBlock = map (\(v,s,b) -> ('*':v,s,b))