import Brick import Brick.Markup import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.List import Data.Tuple import Data.Text (pack, singleton, unpack) import Data.Text.Markup import Control.Monad import qualified Brick.Widgets.Edit as E import qualified Graphics.Vty as V import Control.Exception.Base import Debug.Trace data Name = Text deriving (Ord, Show, Eq) type St = E.Editor Name brackets = [('(',')'),('[',']'),('{','}')] initialState :: St initialState = E.editor Text drawContent Nothing "" drawContent :: [String] -> Widget n drawContent = markup . (createMarkup []) . unlinesWA -- workaround because empty lines don't work with Markup unlinesWA :: [String] -> String unlinesWA [] = "" unlinesWA (l:ls) = l ++ (" \n" ++ unlinesWA ls) createMarkup :: String -> String -> Markup V.Attr createMarkup _ [] = mempty createMarkup p s@('"':ss) = case i of Just n -> (pack (take (2+n) s) @@ fg <> (createMarkup (reverse (take (2+n) s) ++ s) (drop (1+n) ss)) Nothing -> pack s @@ fg where i = elemIndex '"' ss createMarkup p (c:ss) | isJust ob && mismatched (fromJust ob) ss 1 || isJust cb && mismatched (swap $ fromJust cb) p 1 = (singleton c @@ bg <> r | otherwise = (singleton c @@ fg V.white) <> r where ob = find ((== c).fst) brackets cb = find ((== c).snd) brackets r = createMarkup (c:p) ss mismatched :: (Char, Char) -> String -> Int -> Bool mismatched _ _ 0 = False mismatched _ [] _ = True mismatched b@(ob, cb) (c:cs) d | c == ob = mismatched b cs $ d+1 | c == cb = mismatched b cs $ d-1 | otherwise = mismatched b cs d drawUI :: St -> [Widget Name] drawUI st = [E.renderEditor True st] appCursor :: St -> [CursorLocation Name] -> Maybe (CursorLocation Name) appCursor st c = Just (head c) appEvent :: St -> V.Event -> EventM Name (Next St) appEvent st ev = case ev of V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> halt st _ -> continue =<< E.handleEditorEvent ev st theApp :: App St V.Event Name theApp = App { appDraw = drawUI , appChooseCursor = appCursor , appHandleEvent = appEvent , appStartEvent = return , appAttrMap = const (attrMap V.defAttr [ ]) , appLiftVtyEvent = id } main = do st <- defaultMain theApp initialState putStrLn $ unlines $ E.getEditContents $ st