rearchitectured, simple AI for code finding

This commit is contained in:
Armin Friedl 2017-11-05 21:40:43 +01:00
parent 46d70661c3
commit 0fdb836e82
8 changed files with 389 additions and 205 deletions

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@ -1,21 +1,45 @@
package bot package bot
import import
import DebugUtil.{log,dbg,time}
package object bot {
val Dbg: Boolean = true
val Log: Boolean = true
def dbg(msg: String) = if(Dbg) Console.err.println(msg)
def log(msg: String) = if(Log) Console.err.println(msg)
object Main { object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) = { def main(args: Array[String]) = {
var input = StdIn.readLine()
while(input != null){ var input: String = ""
Parser.dispatch(input) foreach (println(_))
//Initialize general game settings
input = StdIn.readLine()
while (input startsWith "settings") {
S parse input
input = StdIn.readLine()
log("init current state")
val currentState = new State()
log("init cortex")
val cortex = new Cortex()
log("init debug")
DebugUtil.state = Some(currentState)
// Main loop
while (input != null ){
def cmd: Seq[String] = input.split(" ")
// dispatch
cmd match {
case Seq("update", _*) => currentState parse input
case Seq("action", "character", _) => println ("bixiette")
case Seq("action", "move", t) => {
log(s"Timebank: $t")
val move: Direction = cortex move (currentState, t.toInt)
log (move.label)
println (move.label)
input = StdIn.readLine() input = StdIn.readLine()
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
package bot
import scala.util.Random
import bot.dbg
object Brain {
def move(time: Int): String = {
val dirs = Array("left", "right", "up", "down")
val dir = Random.nextInt(4)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
package bot
import scala.util.Random
import DebugUtil.{ log, dbg, time }
import scala.collection.mutable
sealed trait Direction {
val label: String
val deltaX: Int
val deltaY: Int
override def toString: String = label
final case object Left extends { val label = "left"; val deltaX = -1; val deltaY = 0 } with Direction
final case object Right extends { val label = "right"; val deltaX = 1; val deltaY = 0 } with Direction
final case object Up extends { val label = "up"; val deltaX = 0; val deltaY = -1 } with Direction
final case object Down extends { val label = "down"; val deltaX = 0; val deltaY = 1 } with Direction
class Cortex {
def move(state: State, time: Int): Direction = {
val directions: Seq[Direction] = possibleDirections(state.bofaField, state)
val weightBoard = weightCodes(1000, decr, state)
val dir = getMaxDir(state.bofaField, directions, weightBoard, state)
weightBoard(state.bofaField.x)(state.bofaField.y) = -999
def decr(dist: Int, start: Int) = {
(start/math.pow(2, (dist+1))).intValue()
def getMaxField(weightBoard: Array[Array[Int]], state: State): Field = {
var maxField = (0,0)
for (x <- 0 until S.width; y <- 0 until S.height) {
if (weightBoard(x)(y) > weightBoard(maxField _1)(maxField _2)) maxField = (x,y)
state.board(maxField _1)(maxField _2)
def shortestPathTo(field: Field, state: State) = {
def getMaxDir(field: Field, directions: Seq[Direction], weightBoard: Array[Array[Int]], state: State): Direction = {
var maxDir: Direction = randomDirection(directions)
val board = state.board
for (d <- directions){
var (x,y) = (field.x+d.deltaX, field.y+d.deltaY)
if ( d.equals(Left) && board(field.x)(field.y).citizens.contains(Gate("l")) ) x = S.width-1
else if ( d.equals(Right) && board(field.x)(field.y).citizens.contains(Gate("r")) ) x = 0
if (weightBoard(x)(y) > weightBoard(field.x+maxDir.deltaX)(field.y+maxDir.deltaY)) maxDir = d
def possibleDirections(field: Field, state: State): Seq[Direction] = {
val pd = new mutable.ListBuffer[Direction]
val board = state.board
val toCheck = checkBorder(field, state)
for (d <- toCheck) {
if ( d == Left && board(field.x)(field.y).citizens.contains(Gate("l")) ) pd += d
else if ( d == Right && board(field.x)(field.y).citizens.contains(Gate("r")) ) pd += d
else {
val pfield = board(field.x + d.deltaX)(field.y + d.deltaY)
if (!(pfield.citizens contains Wall)) {
pd += d
def weightCodes(start: Int, drop: (Int, Int) => Int, state: State): Array[Array[Int]] = {
val board = state.board
val codes =
val weightBoard = Array.ofDim[Int](S.width, S.height)
log(s"Codes: ${codes.length}")
for (code <- codes) {
val visited = Array.ofDim[Boolean](S.width, S.height)
for (x <- 0 until S.width; y <- 0 until S.height) visited(x)(y) = false
var coords: Seq[Field] = Seq.empty
val frontier = new mutable.ListBuffer[Field]
frontier += code
var weight = start
var dist = 0
while (weight >= drop(dist, start) && !frontier.isEmpty) {
coords = frontier.toList
for(field <- coords){
val dirs = possibleDirections(field, state)
for (d <- dirs) {
var (x,y) = (field.x+d.deltaX, field.y+d.deltaY)
if ( d == Left && board(field.x)(field.y).citizens.contains(Gate("l")) ) x = S.width-1
else if ( d == Right && board(field.x)(field.y).citizens.contains(Gate("r")) ) x = 0
if (!visited(x)(y)) frontier += board(x)(y)
if (!visited(field.x)(field.y)) weightBoard(field.x)(field.y) += weight
visited(field.x)(field.y) = true
weight -= drop(dist, start)
dist += 1
def checkBorder(field: Field, state: State): Seq[Direction] = {
val dirs = new mutable.ListBuffer[Direction]
if (field.y != 0) dirs += Up
if (field.y != (S.height-1)) dirs += Down
if (field.x != 0 || field.citizens.contains(Gate("l"))) dirs += Left
if (field.x != (S.width-1) || field.citizens.contains(Gate("r"))) dirs += Right
def randomDirection(directions: Seq[Direction]) = directions(Random.nextInt(directions.length))
def printBoard(board: Array[Array[Int]]) = {
val btp = board.transpose
val buf = new StringBuilder
buf append "\n+" + "-" * (S.width * 10) + "+" + "\n"
for (line <- btp) {
buf append s"""|${, ' ')).mkString("|")}|"""
buf append "\n+" + "-" * (S.width * 10) + "+" + "\n"
log(buf toString)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package bot
object DebugUtil {
var state: Option[State] = None // we need this to get access to the current game round
val Dbg: Boolean = true
val Log: Boolean = true
val Time: Boolean = true
def dbg(msg: String) = if(Dbg) Console.err.println(s"$round $msg")
def log(msg: String) = if(Log) Console.err.println(s"$round $msg")
def round: String = if (state.isDefined) s"[${state.get.round}]" else ""
def time[R](name: String)(block: => R): R = {
val t0 = System.nanoTime()
val result = block // call-by-name
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
log(s"$name: " + (t1 - t0)/1000000.0 + "ms")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package bot
trait Extracted

View file

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
package bot
import bot.{dbg,log}
object Parser {
def dispatch(input: String): Option[String] = {
val parts: Seq[String] = input.split(" ")
parts match {
case Seq("settings", xs@_*) => settings(xs); None
case Seq("update", xs@_*) => update(xs); None
case Seq("action", "character", _) => Some("bixiette")
case Seq("action", "move", time) => Some(Brain.move(time.toInt))
def settings(setting: Seq[String]): Unit = {
val splitNames = setting(1).split(",")
setting(0) match {
case "timebank" => Settings.timebank = setting(1).toInt
case "time_per_move" => Settings.timePerMove = setting(1).toInt
case "your_botid" => Settings.bofaId = setting(1).toInt
case "field_width" => Settings.width = setting(1).toInt
case "field_height" => Settings.height = setting(1).toInt
case "max_rounds" => Settings.maxRounds = setting(1).toInt
case "your_bot" => Settings.bofaName = setting(1)
case "player_names" => Settings.player1Name = splitNames(0)
Settings.player2Name = splitNames(1)
// case _ => let MatchError through, don't try recovering
def update(update: Seq[String]): Unit = {
val cs = CurrentState
update match {
case Seq("game", "round", newround) => cs.round = newround.toInt
case Seq("game", "field", cellstring) => cells(cellstring)
case Seq(playerName, "snippets", snippets) => cs.playerBy(playerName).snippets = snippets.toInt
case Seq(playerName, "bombs", bombs) => cs.playerBy(playerName).bombs = bombs.toInt
def cells(cellstring: String): Unit = {
val cellParts = cellstring.split(",")
val board = CurrentState.board
for(cellId <- 0 until cellParts.length) {
val (x: Int, y: Int) = (cellId % Settings.width, cellId / Settings.width)
val cellCmd = cellParts(cellId).toCharArray()
cellCmd(0) match {
case '.' => board.put(EmptyCell(x,y))
case 'x' => board.put(Wall(x,y))
case 'P' => board.put(PlayerPos(x,y, cellCmd(1).toInt))
case 'G' => board.put(Gate(x,y, cellCmd(1).toString()))
case 'E' => board.put(BugPos(x,y, cellCmd(1).toInt))
case 'C' => board.put(CodePos(x,y))
case 'S' => {
if(cellCmd.length == 2) board.put(BugSpawner(x,y, Some(cellCmd(1).toInt)))
else board.put(BugSpawner(x,y, None))
case 'B' => {
if(cellCmd.length == 2) board.put(BombPos(x,y, Some(cellCmd(1).toInt)))
else board.put(BombPos(x,y, None))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package bot
import DebugUtil.{log,dbg,time}
/** Settings holder containing global settings set in the beginning. Only set once per game. */
object S {
var timebank: Int = -1
var timePerMove: Int = -1
var width: Int = -1
var height: Int = -1
var maxRounds: Int = -1
var players: Seq[String] = Seq()
var bofaId: Int = -1
var bofaName: String = ""
def oppoId = 1-bofaId
def oppoName = players(oppoId)
def parse(setting: String): Unit = {
val parts = setting.split(" ")
parts(1) match {
case "timebank" => timebank = parts(2).toInt
case "time_per_move" => timePerMove = parts(2).toInt
case "your_botid" => bofaId = parts(2).toInt
case "field_width" => width = parts(2).toInt
case "field_height" => height = parts(2).toInt
case "max_rounds" => maxRounds = parts(2).toInt
case "your_bot" => bofaName = parts(2)
case "player_names" => players = parts(2).split(",")
// case _ => let MatchError through, don't try recovering
override def toString: String = {
Settings {
.timebank = $timebank
.timePerMove = $timePerMove
.width = $width
.height = $height
.maxRounds = $maxRounds

View file

@ -1,123 +1,142 @@
package bot package bot
import bot.dbg import scala.collection.Seq
import DebugUtil.{ log, dbg, time }
class Field(val x: Int, val y: Int){ /** Field of the game board
override def toString: String = s"Field { .x = $x, .y = $y }" *
* The field knows its citizens and location in the world
* for faster access
class Field(val x: Int, val y: Int, var citizens: Seq[Citizen]) {
def this(x: Int, y: Int) = this(x, y, Seq.empty)
override def toString(): String = s"""($x,$y): ${",")}"""
object Field {
val empty: Field = new Field(-1, -1)
def apply(x: Int, y: Int): Field = new Field (x, y)
def apply(x: Int, y: Int, citizen: Seq[Citizen]): Field = Field (x, y, citizen)
} }
// static fields /** Potential population of the game board */
case class EmptyCell (x0: Int, y0: Int) extends Field(x0,y0) sealed trait Citizen
case class Wall (x0: Int, y0: Int) extends Field(x0,y0) final case object Floor extends Citizen
case class Gate (x0: Int, y0: Int, direction: String) extends Field(x0,y0) final case object Wall extends Citizen
case class BugSpawner (x0: Int, y0: Int, rounds: Option[Int]) extends Field(x0,y0) final case object Code extends Citizen
// dynamic fields final case class Gate (direction: String) extends Citizen
case class PlayerPos (x0: Int, y0: Int, id: Int) extends Field(x0,y0) final case class Spawner (rounds: Option[Int]) extends Citizen
case class BugPos (x0: Int, y0: Int, ai: Int) extends Field(x0,y0) final case class Bug (ai: Int) extends Citizen
case class BombPos (x0: Int, y0: Int, rounds: Option[Int]) extends Field(x0,y0) final case class Bomb (rounds: Option[Int]) extends Citizen
case class CodePos (x0: Int, y0: Int) extends Field(x0,y0) final case class Player (id: Int, name: String) extends Citizen {
class Player(id: Int){
val name: String = Settings.players(id)
var snippets: Int = 0 var snippets: Int = 0
var bombs: Int = 0 var bombs: Int = 0
override def toString = s"Player { .name = $name, .snippets = $snippets, .bombs = $bombs }"
} }
class Board { /** A State in the game
// index top-left (0,0) to bottom-right (Settings.width,Settings.height) *
private val _board: Array[Array[Field]] = Array.ofDim[Field](Settings.width, Settings.height) * A state consists at minimum of a populated game board and two players.
class State {
// index top-left (0,0) to bottom-right (S.width,S.height)
val board: Array[Array[Field]] = Array.ofDim[Field](S.width, S.height)
for (i <- board.indices; j <- board(i).indices) board(i)(j) = Field (i, j) // init board
def put(field: Field){ var round: Int = -1 // may not be set
_board(field.x)(field.y) = field var bofa: Player = new Player(S.bofaId, S.bofaName)
var oppo: Player = new Player(S.oppoId, S.oppoName)
var bofaField: Field = Field.empty
var oppoField: Field = Field.empty
var codes: Seq[Field] = Seq.empty
var bombs: Seq[Field] = Seq.empty
var bugs: Seq[Field] = Seq.empty
def update(x: Int, y: Int, citizens: Seq[Citizen]) {
val field = board(x)(y)
field.citizens = citizens
for (citizen <- citizens) {
citizen match {
case Player(id, name) if id == S.bofaId => bofaField = field
case Player(id, name) if id == S.oppoId => oppoField = field
case Code => codes = codes :+ field
case Bomb (_) => bombs = bombs :+ field
case Bug (_) => bugs = bugs :+ field
case _ =>
def playerBy(id: Int) = if (id == (S.bofaId)) bofa else oppo
def playerBy(name: String) = if (name equals (S.bofaName)) bofa else oppo
def parse(update: String): Unit = {
val cmd: Seq[String] = update split (" ") tail
cmd match {
case Seq("game", "round", uround) => round = uround.toInt
case Seq("game", "field", cellstring) => parseCells(cellstring)
case Seq(name, "snippets", snippets) => playerBy(name).snippets = snippets.toInt
case Seq(name, "bombs", bombs) => playerBy(name).bombs = bombs.toInt
// case _ => let MatchError through, don't try recovering
def parseCells(cellstring: String): Unit = {
codes = Seq.empty
bombs = Seq.empty
bugs = Seq.empty
val cellParts = cellstring.split(",")
for (cellId <- 0 until cellParts.length) {
val (x: Int, y: Int) = (cellId % S.width, cellId / S.width)
val citizens: Array[Citizen] =
.map {
case Array('.') => Floor
case Array('x') => Wall
case Array('P', id) => playerBy(id.asDigit)
case Array('G', direction) => Gate(direction.toString)
case Array('E', ai) => Bug(ai.asDigit)
case Array('C') => Code
case Array('S') => Spawner(None)
case Array('S', time @ _*) => Spawner(Some(time.mkString.toInt))
case Array('B') => Bomb(None)
case Array('B', time @ _*) => Bomb(Some(time.mkString.toInt))
update(x, y, citizens)
} }
override def toString = { override def toString = {
val btp = _board.transpose val btp = board.transpose
val buf = new StringBuilder val buf = new StringBuilder
buf append "+" + "-" * (Settings.width*10+Settings.width*3-1) + "+" + "\n" buf append "\n+" + "-" * (S.width * 10 + S.width * 3 - 1) + "+" + "\n"
for(j <- 0 until Settings.height){ for (line <- btp) {
buf append s"""| ${btp(j) map (_.getClass.getSimpleName().padTo(10, ' ')) mkString (" | ")} |\n""" val maxCitizens = line map (_.citizens.length) max
for (citizenCounter <- 0 until maxCitizens) {
for (field <- line) {
if (field.citizens.length > citizenCounter)
buf append s"""| ${field.citizens(citizenCounter).getClass.getSimpleName().padTo(10, ' ')} """
buf append s"| ${" " * 10} "
buf append "|\n"
buf append "+" + "-" * (S.width * 10 + S.width * 3 - 1) + "+" + "\n"
} }
buf append "+" + "-" * (Settings.width*10+Settings.width*3-1) + "+" + "\n"
buf toString buf toString
} }
} }
class State {
val bofa: Player = new Player(Settings.bofaId)
val oppo: Player = new Player(2)
val board: Board = new Board()
def playerBy(name: String) = if (name equals bofa else oppo
object CurrentState extends State {
var round: Int = 1
/** Settings holder containing global settings set only once per game.
* These settings should not change after initialization and
* stay constant for the whole game.
object Settings {
private var _timebank: Option[Int] = None
private var _timePerMove: Option[Int] = None
private var _player1Name: Option[String] = None
private var _player2Name: Option[String] = None
private var _bofaName: Option[String] = None
private var _bofaId: Option[Int] = None
private var _width: Option[Int] = None
private var _height: Option[Int] = None
private var _maxRounds: Option[Int] = None
/* Get Option or fail with exception
* Don't try to be smart but just fail if settings not initialized properly
def timebank = _timebank.get
def timePerMove = _timePerMove.get
def player1Name = _player1Name.get
def player2Name = _player2Name.get
def bofaName = _bofaName.get
def bofaId = _bofaId.get
def width = _width.get
def height = _height.get
def maxRounds = _maxRounds.get
def timebank_= (value: Int) = _timebank = Some(value)
def timePerMove_= (value: Int) = _timePerMove = Some(value)
def player1Name_= (value: String) = _player1Name = Some(value)
def player2Name_= (value: String) = _player2Name = Some(value)
def bofaName_= (value: String) = _bofaName = Some(value)
def bofaId_= (value: Int) = _bofaId = Some(value)
def width_= (value: Int) = _width = Some(value)
def height_= (value: Int) = _height = Some(value)
def maxRounds_= (value: Int) = _maxRounds = Some(value)
def oppoName = if(bofaId == 1) player2Name else player1Name
def oppoId = if(bofaId == 1) 2 else 1
def players(id: Int) = if(id == 1) player1Name else player2Name
override def toString: String = {
Settings {
.timebank = ${_timebank.getOrElse("Not Set")}
.timePerMove = ${_timePerMove.getOrElse("Not Set")}
.player1Name = ${_player1Name.getOrElse("Not Set")}
.player2Name = ${_player2Name.getOrElse("Not Set")}
.bofaName = ${_bofaName.getOrElse("Not Set")}
.bofaId = ${_bofaId.getOrElse("Not Set")}
.width = ${_width.getOrElse("Not Set")}
.height = ${_height.getOrElse("Not Set")}
.maxRounds = ${_maxRounds.getOrElse("Not Set")}