Major refactoring, same functionality

This commit is contained in:
Armin Friedl 2017-11-10 20:00:10 +01:00
parent 005d2a3ab6
commit b7f5febf15
22 changed files with 570 additions and 459 deletions

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
cd src/main/scala/bot && sed -i 's/Dbg: Boolean = true/Dbg: Boolean = false/' DebugUtil.scala
cd src/main/scala/bot && sed -i 's/Dbg: Boolean = false/Dbg: Boolean = true/' DebugUtil.scala
cd src/main/scala/bot && sed -i 's/Dbg: Boolean = true/Dbg: Boolean = false/' util/Log.scala
cd src/main/scala && zip -r bot bot && mv $(CURDIR)
cd src/main/scala/bot && sed -i 's/Dbg: Boolean = false/Dbg: Boolean = true/' util/Log.scala
cd src/main/scala/bot && sed -i 's/Dbg: Boolean = false/Dbg: Boolean = true/' DebugUtil.scala
cd src/main/scala/bot && sed -i 's/Dbg: Boolean = true/Dbg: Boolean = false/' DebugUtil.scala
cd src/main/scala/bot && sed -i 's/Dbg: Boolean = false/Dbg: Boolean = true/' util/Log.scala
cd src/main/scala && zip -r bot bot && mv $(CURDIR)

View file

@ -1,47 +1,51 @@
package bot
import DebugUtil.{log,dbg,time}
import scala.collection.Iterable
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import bot.util.Settings
import bot.environment.Board
import bot.cortex.Cortex
import bot.util.Log.dbg
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
var input: String = ""
val settings = """^settings (.*)""".r
val character = """^action character (.*)""".r
//Initialize general game settings
input = StdIn.readLine()
while (input startsWith "settings") {
S parse input
input = StdIn.readLine()
val update = """^update (.*)""".r
val move = """^action move (\d+)""".r
log("init current state")
val currentState = new State()
log("init cortex")
val cortex = new Cortex()
// game is constructed after all settings are
// parsed. Accessing an unconstructed game is
// exceptional behavior -> NullPointerEx is acceptable
var game: Game = null
ioLoop { command => {
command match {
case settings (rest) => Settings.parse(rest)
case character (rest) => game = new Game()
case update (rest) => game.parse(rest)
case move (rest) => val timebank = rest.toInt
game.timebank = timebank
val direction = Cortex getMove (game, timebank)
// case _ => let MatchError bubble to top
var tmpRound = currentState.round
// Main loop
while (input != null ){
if (tmpRound != currentState.round){
tmpRound = currentState.round
log(s"********** ROUND ${tmpRound} **********")
def cmd: Seq[String] = input.split(" ")
// dispatch
cmd match {
case Seq("update", _*) => currentState parse input
case Seq("action", "character", _) => println ("bixiette")
case Seq("action", "move", t) => {
log(s"Timebank: $t")
val move: Direction = cortex move (currentState, t.toInt)
log (move.label)
println (move.label)
input = StdIn.readLine()
def ioLoop(f: String => Option[String]): Unit = {
val command = StdIn.readLine()
if (command != null) { f(command) foreach println }
else { return }

View file

@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
package bot
import scala.util.Random
import DebugUtil.{ log, dbg, time }
import scala.collection.mutable
sealed trait Direction {
val label: String
val deltaX: Int
val deltaY: Int
override def toString: String = label
final case object Left extends { val label = "left"; val deltaX = -1; val deltaY = 0 } with Direction
final case object Right extends { val label = "right"; val deltaX = 1; val deltaY = 0 } with Direction
final case object Up extends { val label = "up"; val deltaX = 0; val deltaY = -1 } with Direction
final case object Down extends { val label = "down"; val deltaX = 0; val deltaY = 1 } with Direction
object Scribble {
var lastFieldWeight = 0
var lastBofaField: Field = Field.empty
class Cortex {
def move(state: State, time: Int): Direction = {
val directions: Seq[Direction] = possibleDirections(state.bofaField, state)
val weightBoard = weightCodes(1000, weigh, state)
preventFallBack(weightBoard, state)
preventLethal(weightBoard, state)
val dir = getMaxDir(state.bofaField, directions, weightBoard, state)
Scribble.lastBofaField = state.bofaField
weightBoard(state.bofaField.x)(state.bofaField.y) = -999
def weigh(start: Int, dist: Int, cur: Int) = {
(start / math.pow(1.3, (dist + 1))).intValue()
def getMaxField(weightBoard: Array[Array[Int]], state: State): Field = {
var maxField = (0, 0)
for (x <- 0 until S.width; y <- 0 until S.height) {
// generally, the highest is best
if (weightBoard(x)(y) > weightBoard(maxField _1)(maxField _2)) maxField = (x, y)
// if equal prefer to go down, right b/c up/left is evil first but
if (weightBoard(x)(y) == weightBoard(maxField _1)(maxField _2)) {
if (x > (maxField _1) || y > (maxField _2)) maxField = (x, y)
state.board(maxField _1)(maxField _2)
def shortestPathTo(field: Field, state: State) = {
def mod(a: Int)(b: Int): Int = (a % b) + (if (a < 0) b else 0)
def getMaxDir(field: Field, directions: Seq[Direction], weightBoard: Array[Array[Int]], state: State): Direction = {
var maxDir: Direction = randomDirection(directions)
val board = state.board
for (d <- directions) {
var (x, y) = (mod(field.x + d.deltaX)(S.width), mod(field.y + d.deltaY)(S.width))
var (maxX, maxY) = (mod(field.x + maxDir.deltaX)(S.width), mod(field.y + maxDir.deltaY)(S.width))
if (weightBoard(x)(y) > weightBoard(maxX)(maxY)) maxDir = d
def manhattan(x: Int, y: Int)(a: Int, b: Int): Int = math.abs(x - a) + math.abs(y - b)
def possibleDirections(field: Field, state: State): Seq[Direction] = {
val pd = new mutable.ListBuffer[Direction]
val board = state.board
val toCheck = checkBorder(field, state)
for (d <- toCheck) {
if (d == Left && board(field.x)(field.y).citizens.contains(Gate("l"))) pd += d
else if (d == Right && board(field.x)(field.y).citizens.contains(Gate("r"))) pd += d
else {
val pfield = board(field.x + d.deltaX)(field.y + d.deltaY)
if (!(pfield.citizens contains Wall)) {
pd += d
def preventFallBack(weightBoard: Array[Array[Int]], state: State): Unit = {
val lastBofaField = Scribble.lastBofaField
if (lastBofaField != Field.empty) {
// if something changed allow fallback
if (Scribble.lastFieldWeight == weightBoard(lastBofaField.x)(lastBofaField.y)) {
Scribble.lastFieldWeight = weightBoard(state.bofaField.x)(state.bofaField.y)
val x: Int = weightBoard(lastBofaField.x)(lastBofaField.y)
weightBoard(lastBofaField.x)(lastBofaField.y) = (0.5 * x).intValue()
} else {
Scribble.lastFieldWeight = weightBoard(state.bofaField.x)(state.bofaField.y)
def preventLethal(weightBoard: Array[Array[Int]], state: State): Unit = {
val board = state.board
for (bug <- state.bugs) {
val dirs = possibleDirections(bug, state)
for (d <- dirs) {
var (x, y) = (bug.x + d.deltaX, bug.y + d.deltaY)
if (d == Left && board(bug.x)(bug.y).citizens.contains(Gate("l"))) x = S.width - 1
else if (d == Right && board(bug.x)(bug.y).citizens.contains(Gate("r"))) x = 0
weightBoard(x)(y) = (weightBoard(x)(y) * 0.1).intValue()
weightBoard(bug.x)(bug.y) = 1
def weightCodes(start: Int, weigh: (Int, Int, Int) => Int, state: State): Array[Array[Int]] = {
val board = state.board
val codes =
val weightBoard = Array.ofDim[Int](S.width, S.height)
for (x <- 0 until S.width; y <- 0 until S.height) weightBoard(x)(y) = 10
log(s"Codes: ${codes.length}")
for (code <- codes) {
val visited = Array.ofDim[Boolean](S.width, S.height)
for (x <- 0 until S.width; y <- 0 until S.height) visited(x)(y) = false
var coords: Seq[Field] = Seq.empty
val frontier = new mutable.ListBuffer[Field]
frontier += code
visited(code.x)(code.y) = true
var weight = start
var dist = 0
while (!frontier.isEmpty) {
coords = frontier.toList
for (field <- coords) {
val dirs = possibleDirections(field, state)
for (d <- dirs) {
var (x, y) = (field.x + d.deltaX, field.y + d.deltaY)
if (d == Left && board(field.x)(field.y).citizens.contains(Gate("l"))) x = S.width - 1
else if (d == Right && board(field.x)(field.y).citizens.contains(Gate("r"))) x = 0
if (!visited(x)(y)) frontier += board(x)(y)
visited(x)(y) = true
weightBoard(field.x)(field.y) += weight
weight = weigh(start, dist, weight)
dist += 1
def checkBorder(field: Field, state: State): Seq[Direction] = {
val dirs = new mutable.ListBuffer[Direction]
if (field.y != 0) dirs += Up
if (field.y != (S.height - 1)) dirs += Down
if (field.x != 0 || field.citizens.contains(Gate("l"))) dirs += Left
if (field.x != (S.width - 1) || field.citizens.contains(Gate("r"))) dirs += Right
def randomDirection(directions: Seq[Direction]) = directions(Random.nextInt(directions.length))
def printBoard(board: Array[Array[Int]]) = {
val btp = board.transpose
val buf = new StringBuilder
buf append "\n+" + "-" * (S.width * 10) + "+" + "\n"
for (line <- btp) {
buf append s"""|${, ' ')).mkString("|")}|"""
buf append "\n+" + "-" * (S.width * 10) + "+" + "\n"
log(buf toString)

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
package bot
object DebugUtil {
var state: Option[State] = None // we need this to get access to the current game round
val Dbg: Boolean = false
val Log: Boolean = true
val Time: Boolean = true
def dbg(msg: String) = if(Dbg) Console.err.println(s"$round $msg")
def log(msg: String) = if(Log) Console.err.println(s"$round $msg")
def round: String = if (state.isDefined) s"[${state.get.round}]" else ""
def time[R](name: String)(block: => R): R = {
val t0 = System.nanoTime()
val result = block // call-by-name
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
log(s"$name: " + (t1 - t0)/1000000.0 + "ms")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package bot
import bot.environment.Board
import bot.util.Settings
import bot.util.Log.dbg
class Game {
var _round: Int = 0
var _timebank: Int = Settings.timebank
var board: Board = new Board(Settings.width, Settings.height)
var bofa: Player = new Player(Settings.bofaId, Settings.bofaName)
var oppo: Player = new Player(Settings.oppoId, Settings.oppoName)
def round = _round
def round_= (round: Int) = {
dbg(s"\n\n************ Round ${round} ************")
_round = round
def timebank = _timebank
def timebank_= (timebank: Int) = {
dbg(s"Timebank: $timebank")
_timebank = timebank
def playerBy(id: Int) = if (id == (Settings.bofaId)) bofa else oppo
def playerBy(name: String) = if (name equals (Settings.bofaName)) bofa else oppo
def bofaId =
def bofaPoint = board.bots(bofaId).get.point
def parse (update: String) = {
val round = """^game round (\d+)""".r
val board = """^game field (.*)""".r
val snippets = """^(.*) snippets (\d+)""".r
val bombs = """^(.*) bombs (\d+)""".r
update match {
case round (rest) => this.round = rest.toInt
case board (rest) => this.board.parse(rest)
case snippets (name, rest) => playerBy(name).snippets = rest.toInt
case bombs (name, rest) => playerBy(name).bombs = rest.toInt

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
package bot
class Player(val id: Int, val name: String) {
var bombs: Int = 0
var snippets: Int = 0

View file

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
package bot
import DebugUtil.{log,dbg,time}
/** Settings holder containing global settings set in the beginning. Only set once per game. */
object S {
var timebank: Int = -1
var timePerMove: Int = -1
var width: Int = -1
var height: Int = -1
var maxRounds: Int = -1
var players: Seq[String] = Seq()
var bofaId: Int = -1
var bofaName: String = ""
def oppoId = 1-bofaId
def oppoName = players(oppoId)
def parse(setting: String): Unit = {
val parts = setting.split(" ")
parts(1) match {
case "timebank" => timebank = parts(2).toInt
case "time_per_move" => timePerMove = parts(2).toInt
case "your_botid" => bofaId = parts(2).toInt
case "field_width" => width = parts(2).toInt
case "field_height" => height = parts(2).toInt
case "max_rounds" => maxRounds = parts(2).toInt
case "your_bot" => bofaName = parts(2)
case "player_names" => players = parts(2).split(",")
// case _ => let MatchError through, don't try recovering
override def toString: String = {
Settings {
.timebank = $timebank
.timePerMove = $timePerMove
.width = $width
.height = $height
.maxRounds = $maxRounds

View file

@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
package bot
import scala.collection.Seq
import DebugUtil.{ log, dbg, time }
/** Field of the game board
* The field knows its citizens and location in the world
* for faster access
class Field(val x: Int, val y: Int, var citizens: Seq[Citizen]) {
def this(x: Int, y: Int) = this(x, y, Seq.empty)
override def toString(): String = s"""($x,$y): ${",")}"""
object Field {
val empty: Field = new Field(-1, -1)
def apply(x: Int, y: Int): Field = new Field (x, y)
def apply(x: Int, y: Int, citizen: Seq[Citizen]): Field = Field (x, y, citizen)
/** Potential population of the game board */
sealed trait Citizen
final case object Floor extends Citizen
final case object Wall extends Citizen
final case object Code extends Citizen
final case class Gate (direction: String) extends Citizen
final case class Spawner (rounds: Option[Int]) extends Citizen
final case class Bug (ai: Int) extends Citizen
final case class Bomb (rounds: Option[Int]) extends Citizen
final case class Player (id: Int, name: String) extends Citizen {
var snippets: Int = 0
var bombs: Int = 0
/** A State in the game
* A state consists at minimum of a populated game board and two players.
class State {
// index top-left (0,0) to bottom-right (S.width,S.height)
val board: Array[Array[Field]] = Array.ofDim[Field](S.width, S.height)
for (i <- board.indices; j <- board(i).indices) board(i)(j) = Field (i, j) // init board
var round: Int = -1 // may not be set
var bofa: Player = new Player(S.bofaId, S.bofaName)
var oppo: Player = new Player(S.oppoId, S.oppoName)
var bofaField: Field = Field.empty
var oppoField: Field = Field.empty
var codes: Seq[Field] = Seq.empty
var bombs: Seq[Field] = Seq.empty
var bugs: Seq[Field] = Seq.empty
def update(x: Int, y: Int, citizens: Seq[Citizen]) {
val field = board(x)(y)
field.citizens = citizens
for (citizen <- citizens) {
citizen match {
case Player(id, name) if id == S.bofaId => bofaField = field
case Player(id, name) if id == S.oppoId => oppoField = field
case Code => codes = codes :+ field
case Bomb (_) => bombs = bombs :+ field
case Bug (_) => bugs = bugs :+ field
case _ =>
def playerBy(id: Int) = if (id == (S.bofaId)) bofa else oppo
def playerBy(name: String) = if (name equals (S.bofaName)) bofa else oppo
def parse(update: String): Unit = {
val cmd: Seq[String] = update split (" ") tail
cmd match {
case Seq("game", "round", uround) => round = uround.toInt
case Seq("game", "field", cellstring) => parseCells(cellstring)
case Seq(name, "snippets", snippets) => playerBy(name).snippets = snippets.toInt
case Seq(name, "bombs", bombs) => playerBy(name).bombs = bombs.toInt
// case _ => let MatchError through, don't try recovering
def parseCells(cellstring: String): Unit = {
codes = Seq.empty
bombs = Seq.empty
bugs = Seq.empty
val cellParts = cellstring.split(",")
for (cellId <- 0 until cellParts.length) {
val (x: Int, y: Int) = (cellId % S.width, cellId / S.width)
val citizens: Array[Citizen] =
.map {
case Array('.') => Floor
case Array('x') => Wall
case Array('P', id) => playerBy(id.asDigit)
case Array('G', direction) => Gate(direction.toString)
case Array('E', ai) => Bug(ai.asDigit)
case Array('C') => Code
case Array('S') => Spawner(None)
case Array('S', time @ _*) => Spawner(Some(time.mkString.toInt))
case Array('B') => Bomb(None)
case Array('B', time @ _*) => Bomb(Some(time.mkString.toInt))
update(x, y, citizens)
override def toString = {
val btp = board.transpose
val buf = new StringBuilder
buf append "\n+" + "-" * (S.width * 10 + S.width * 3 - 1) + "+" + "\n"
for (line <- btp) {
val maxCitizens = line map (_.citizens.length) max
for (citizenCounter <- 0 until maxCitizens) {
for (field <- line) {
if (field.citizens.length > citizenCounter)
buf append s"""| ${field.citizens(citizenCounter).getClass.getSimpleName().padTo(10, ' ')} """
buf append s"| ${" " * 10} "
buf append "|\n"
buf append "+" + "-" * (S.width * 10 + S.width * 3 - 1) + "+" + "\n"
buf toString

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package bot.cortex
import bot.environment.topology.Point
import bot.environment.Board
import bot.Game
import bot.environment.topology.Grid
class BugAI extends Tactical {
def evaluate(game: Game): Tactic = {
val board = game.board
var tactic: Tactic = Map.empty
val weightGrid = new Grid(board.width, board.height, 0: Int)
for ( bug <- board.bugs; point <- board.walkablePoints(bug.point) ) {
weightGrid(point).content += -1000
board.walkableDirs(game.bofaPoint) foreach { dir =>
tactic = tactic + {dir -> weightGrid(board.walk(game.bofaPoint)(dir)).content}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
package bot.cortex
import bot.Game
import bot.environment.topology.Direction
import bot.environment.topology.Left
import bot.environment.topology.Direction
import scala.collection.mutable
import bot.cortex.Tactical.Tactic
import bot.util.Log.dbg
object Cortex {
val tactics = Seq(new BugAI, new SnippetAI)
def getMove (game: Game, time: Int): Direction = {
val tacticResults = tactics map { _.evaluate(game) }
val moves = mergeTactics(tacticResults)
private def mergeTactics(tactics: Seq[Tactic]): Tactic = {
var dirs: Tactic = Map.empty
for ( tactic <- tactics ) {
dbg(s"""Tactic ${tactic.getClass.getSimpleName}: { ${tactic.mkString(",")} }""")
for ( (dir, delta) <- tactic ){
val weight = dirs.getOrElse(dir, 0)
dirs = dirs + { dir -> (weight+delta) }
private def getMaxDir(moves: Map[Direction, Int]): Direction = {
var (maxDir, maxWeight) = moves.last
for ( (key, value) <- moves ){
if (value > maxWeight) {
maxDir = key
maxWeight = value
dbg(s"""Max dir: ($maxDir, $maxWeight)""")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package bot.cortex
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import bot.environment.Board
import bot.environment.Board.Tokens
import bot.environment.topology.Direction
import bot.environment.topology.Grid
import bot.environment.topology.Point
import bot.environment.topology.Field
import bot.Game
import bot.util.Log.dbg
class SnippetAI extends Tactical {
var lastPoint: Option[Point] = None
var lastWeight = -1
def evaluate (game: Game): Tactic = {
val board = game.board
val point = game.bofaPoint
val snippets = board.snippets
val weightGrid = new Grid(board.width, board.height, 10: Int)
board.snippets foreach { snippet => distribute(snippet, weightGrid, board) }
preventFallBack(point, weightGrid, board)
weightGrid(game.bofaPoint) put -999
markWalls(weightGrid, board)
board.walkableDirs(point) // get all possible directions starting in point
.map { dir: Direction => (dir, weightGrid(board.walk(point)(dir)).content) } // bind direction to weight
.toMap // return as map
private def distribute(snippet: Field[Tokens], weightGrid: Grid[Int], board: Board) = {
val visited: Grid[Boolean] = new Grid(board.width, board.height, false)
runner(Set(snippet.point), 0)
def runner(frontier: Set[Point], distance: Int): Unit = {
if (frontier.isEmpty) return
// process the current frontier and build the new ones
val nextFrontier =
frontier filterNot { visited(_).get } flatMap { p =>
visited(p) put true
weightGrid(p).content += (1000 / math.pow(1.3, distance)).intValue
runner(nextFrontier, distance + 1)
private def preventFallBack(point: Point, weightGrid: Grid[Int], board: Board): Unit = {
if (!lastPoint.isEmpty){
val currentLastWeight = weightGrid(lastPoint.get).content
if (lastWeight == currentLastWeight){
weightGrid(lastPoint.get) apply { x => (0.5 * x).intValue }
dbg(s"Preventing fallback to ${lastPoint.get}: lastWeight=$lastWeight, newWeight=${weightGrid(lastPoint.get).get}")
lastPoint = Some(point)
lastWeight = weightGrid(point).get
private def markWalls(weightGrid: Grid[Int], board: Board) = {
board.walls foreach { wall => weightGrid(wall) put -88 }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package bot.cortex
import bot.environment.Board
import bot.environment.topology.Direction
import bot.environment.topology.Point
import bot.Game
trait Tactical {
type Tactic = Map[Direction, Int]
def evaluate(game: Game): Tactic
object Tactical {
type Tactic = Map[Direction, Int]

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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
package bot.environment
import scala.collection.mutable
import bot.OptionInt
import bot.environment.Board.Tokens
import bot.environment.topology._
object Board {
type Tokens = Set[Token]
class Board(val width: Int, val height: Int) {
private val _snippets: mutable.Set[Field[Tokens]] = mutable.Set.empty
private val _bugs: mutable.Set[Field[Tokens]] = mutable.Set.empty
private val _bots: mutable.Map[Int, Field[Tokens]] = mutable.Map.empty
private val _walls: mutable.Set[Field[Tokens]] = mutable.Set.empty
private val _grid: Grid[Tokens] = new Grid(width, height, Set.empty)
private val _graph: Graph[Tokens] = new Graph
def asGrid = _grid
def asGraph = _graph
def snippets =[Set]
def bugs =[Set]
def bots(id: Int) = _bots.get(id)
def walls =[Set]
def put(point: Point, tokens: Tokens) = {
val field = _grid(point)
field.content = tokens
tokens foreach {
case Snippet() => _snippets += field
case Bug(_) => _bugs += field
case Bot(id) => _bots += {id -> field}
case Wall() => _walls += field
case _ =>
def walkableDirs(point: Point): Set[Direction] = {
var dirs: Set[Direction] = _grid.directions(point)
dirs = dirs filterNot { x => _grid(point+x).content.contains(Wall()) }
_grid(point).content foreach {
case Gate(Left) => dirs = dirs + Left
case Gate(Right) => dirs = dirs + Right
case _ =>
return dirs
def walkablePoints(point: Point): Set[Point] = walkableDirs(point) map walk(point)
def walk(point: Point) (direction: Direction): Point = { //adjust for gates
val np = point + direction
np.x match {
case -1 => Point(width-1, np.y) // left gate
case this.width => Point(0, np.y) // right gate
case _ => np // otherwise
def parse(update: String): Unit = {
.map { case (things, i) => (things, Point(i%width, i/width)) }
.foreach { case (things, point) => put (point, unpack(things)) }
private def unpack(things: String): Tokens = {
val tokens: mutable.Set[Token] = mutable.Set.empty
.split (';') // get single tokens
.map { thing => thing splitAt 1 } // extract designator (first char)
.map { case (".", _) => Floor()
case ("x", _) => Wall()
case ("P", id) => Bot(id.toInt)
case ("G", "l") => Gate(Left)
case ("G", "r") => Gate(Right)
case ("E", ai) => Bug(ai.toInt)
case ("C", _) => Snippet()
case ("S", time) => Spawner(time.toOptInt)
case ("B", time) => Bomb(time.toOptInt)
case _ => throw new MatchError } // map to token type
.map { tkn => tkn.asInstanceOf[Token] } // explicitely cast Array[Any] to Array[Token]
.toSet // return Array as Set[Token]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package bot.environment
import bot.environment.topology.Direction
* Every potential token on the game board
sealed trait Token
final case class Floor () extends Token
final case class Wall () extends Token
final case class Snippet () extends Token
final case class Gate (direction: Direction) extends Token
final case class Spawner (rounds: Option[Int]) extends Token
final case class Bug (ai: Int) extends Token
final case class Bomb (rounds: Option[Int]) extends Token
final case class Bot (id: Int) extends Token

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package bot.environment.topology
sealed trait Direction {
val label: String
val delta: (Int, Int)
def deltaX = delta _1
def deltaY = delta _2
override def toString: String = label
final case object Left extends { val label = "left"; val delta = (-1, 0) } with Direction
final case object Right extends { val label = "right"; val delta = (1, 0) } with Direction
final case object Up extends { val label = "up"; val delta = (0, -1) } with Direction
final case object Down extends { val label = "down"; val delta = (0, 1) } with Direction

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package bot.environment.topology
class Field[T] (val point: Point, var content: T) {
def x: Int = point.x
def y: Int = point.y
def put(update: T) = content = update
def get = content
def apply(f: T => T): Unit = content = f(content)
object Field {
def apply[T] (point: Point, content: T) = new Field(point, content)

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package bot.environment.topology
import scala.collection.mutable
* The game world viewed as a graph
* Each node of the Graph is a @see Field connected
* to other @see Fields.
class Graph[T] {
private val _nodes: mutable.Set[Node[T]] = mutable.Set.empty
private val _edges: mutable.Set[Edge[T]] = mutable.Set.empty
def addNode(node: Node[T]) = _nodes += node
def addEdge(edge: Edge[T]) = _edges += edge
class Node[T](field: Field[T])
class Edge[T](a: Node[T], b: Node[T])

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package bot.environment.topology
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
/** The game world viewed as a grid
* A Grid is a 2-d array where each element points to a @see Field
class Grid[T: ClassTag] (width: Int, height: Int, default: => T) {
private val grid: Array[Array[Field[T]]] = Array.ofDim[Field[T]](width, height)
for (x <- 0 until width; y <- 0 until height)
grid(x)(y) = Field( Point(x,y), default )
def apply(x: Int, y: Int): Field[T] = grid(x)(y)
def apply(point: Point): Field[T] = apply(point.x, point.y)
def apply(f: Field[_]): Field[T] = apply(f.point)
def neighbors (point: Point): Set[Field[T]] = directions(point) map { dir => apply(point+dir) }
def directions (point: Point): Set[Direction] = {
Set(Left, Right, Up, Down)
.filter { dir => var (x,y) = (point.x+dir.deltaX, point.y+dir.deltaY)
0 <= x && x < width && 0 <= y && y < height }
override def toString: String = {
val btp = grid.transpose
val buf = new StringBuilder
buf append "\n+" + "-" * (width * 10) + "+" + "\n"
for (line <- btp) {
buf append s"""|${, ' ')).mkString("|")}|"""
buf append "\n+" + "-" * (width * 10) + "+" + "\n"

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package bot.environment.topology
class Point (val x: Int, val y: Int){
def asTuple: (Int, Int) = (x,y)
def +(deltaX: Int, deltaY: Int): Point = new Point(x+deltaX, y+deltaY)
def +(delta: (Int,Int)): Point = this + (delta _1, delta _2)
def +(direction: Direction): Point = this +
override def toString: String = s"Point{.x=$x, .y=$y}"
object Point {
def apply(x: Int, y: Int) = new Point(x,y)

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import scala.util.control.Exception.allCatch
package object bot {
implicit class OptionInt(s: String) {
def toOptInt: Option[Int] = s match {
case "" => None
case _ => allCatch.opt(s.toInt)

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package bot.util
object Log {
var state = None
val Dbg: Boolean = true
val Log: Boolean = true
val Time: Boolean = true
//def dbg(msg: String) = if(Dbg) Console.err.println(s"$round $msg")
//def log(msg: String) = if(Log) Console.err.println(s"$round $msg")
def dbg(msg: String) = if(Dbg) Console.err.println(msg)
//def round: String = if (state.isDefined) s"[${state.get.round}]" else ""
def time[R](name: String)(block: => R): R = {
val t0 = System.nanoTime()
val result = block // call-by-name
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
//log(s"$name: " + (t1 - t0)/1000000.0 + "ms")

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package bot.util
import scala.collection.Seq
/** Settings container
* Holds global, static settings set once at start of the game
object Settings {
var timebank: Int = 10000
var timePerMove: Int = 1000
var width: Int = 15
var height: Int = 8
var maxRounds: Int = 250
var players: Seq[String] = Seq("bofa", "oppo")
var bofaId: Int = 0
var bofaName: String = players(bofaId)
def oppoId: Int = 1-bofaId
def oppoName: String = players(oppoId)
def playerId(name: String): Option[Int] = players.indexOf(name) match {
case -1 => None
case i => Some(i)
def parse(setting: String): Unit = {
val parts = setting.split(" ")
parts(0) match {
case "timebank" => timebank = parts(1).toInt
case "time_per_move" => timePerMove = parts(1).toInt
case "your_botid" => bofaId = parts(1).toInt
case "field_width" => width = parts(1).toInt
case "field_height" => height = parts(1).toInt
case "max_rounds" => maxRounds = parts(1).toInt
case "your_bot" => bofaName = parts(1)
case "player_names" => players = parts(1).split(",")
// case _ => let MatchError through, don't try recovering
override def toString: String = {
Settings {
.timebank = $timebank
.timePerMove = $timePerMove
.width = $width
.height = $height
.maxRounds = $maxRounds