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\message{ !name(../upperbounds.tex)}\documentclass[10pt,dvipsnames]{beamer}
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\subject{Upper Bounds}
\title[Upper Bounds]{Treewidth computations I. Upper bounds}
\subtitle{Hans L. Bodlaender, Arie M.C.A Koster}
\author{Armin Friedl}
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\begin{frame}{Table of contents}
\setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered]
\setbeamertemplate{subsection in toc}[square]
\setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=RoyalBlue!70}
\begin{block}{Theorem {\normalfont \small \color{black} \cite{bodlaender2010, gavril1974}}}
\item $G$ has a treewidth at most k.
\item There is an elimination ordering $\pi$, such that no vertex $v\in V$ has more than $k$ neighbours with a higher number in $\pi$ in $G^+_\pi$
\setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=ForestGreen!70}
\item Take \emph{some} elimination ordering $\pi$ of $G$
\item Construct $G^+_\pi$, calculate $k$
\item $\xrightarrow{(i)~\equiv~(ii)}$ Upper Bound for treewidth
\begin{frame}{What is $\bf G^+_\pi$ ?}
\node[shape=circle,draw=black] (A) at (0,0) {A};
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\node[shape=circle,draw=black] (C) at (0,3) {C};
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\only<4>{\node[shape=circle,fill=mLightGreen] (C) at (0,3) {C};}
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\node[shape=circle,draw=black] (D) at (3,3) {D};
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\path (A) edge (B);
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\path (C) edge (D);
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\path[style=dashed, color=mLightBrown]<4> (E) edge (D);
\only<5->{\path[style=dashed, color=mDarkTeal] (E) edge (D);}
$\pi = [\textcolor<2>{mLightGreen}{A}
\KwIn{$G, \pi$}
\ForEach{$v\in V_G$}{
\ForEach{$w, x$ of N$_H$($v$)}{
\If{$\pi(w), \pi(x)>\pi(v)$}{
\alert<2->{add \{w,x\} to E$_H$}
\item $G^+_\pi$ is chordal
\item $G$ is a subgraph of $G^+_\pi$
\item $\pi$ is a perfect elimination ordering of $G^+_\pi$
\item $tw$ of \emph{subtree graph} (also a tree decomposition) of $G^+_\pi$ is $\text{MAXCLIQUE}(G^+_\pi)-1$ ~\cite{gavril1974}
\item There is a tree decomposition algorithm for $G$ with $tw = \text{MAXCLIQUE}(G^+_\pi)-1$, polynomial in n ~\cite{bodlaender2010}
\alert{How to find \only<1,2>{the best}\only<3>{\sout{the best} a good} elimination ordering?}\\
\text{Best} &= G^+_\pi~\text{with Min(MAXCLIQUE}(G^+_\pi))\\
&= \text{Computational Infeasible}\\
&= \text{see}~\cite{heggernes2006}
No best. But the smaller the triangulation the better.\\
For minimal (not minimum): $\mathcal{O}(n^{2.376})$~\cite{heggernes2006}
\subsection{Greedy Triangulation}
\begin{frame}{Greedy Triangulation - Algorithm}
\For{$i=1$ \KwTo $n$}{
Choose $v \in H$ by criterion \alert<2>{X}\\
Set $\pi^{-1}(i) = v$\\
Eliminate $v$ from $H$ (make $N_H(v)$ a clique and remove $v$)
\uncover<2>{\centering \alert{How to choose X?}}
\begin{frame}{Greedy Triangulation - Criterion X}
\begin{block}{Minimum Degree/Greedy Degree}
X = $v$ with smallest degree in $H$\\
{\small Performs well in practice}
\begin{block}{Greedy Fill In}
X = $v$ which causes smallest number of fill edges in $G^+_\pi$\\
\hspace{1.8mm} = $v$ with smallest number of pairs of non-adjacent neighbours\\
{\small Slightly slower, slightly better bounds than MD/GD on average}
\begin{frame}{Greedy Triangulation - Advanced Criteria}
\begin{block}{Lower Bound Based}
Eliminate $v$ from $H$, compute lower bound (LB) of treewidth\\
Choose $v$ with Min($2*LB+\deg_H(v))$
\begin{block}{Enhanced Minimum Fill In}
Compute LB of $G$\\
Choose simplical or almost simplical $v$ with $\deg(v)$ at most LB\\
otherwise: Greedy Fill In
\subsection{Local Search (Tabu Search)}
\begin{frame}[shrink]{Tabu Search}
\begin{block}{General Approach}
\item Keep list of $\alpha$ last solutions to avoid cycling
\item Find inital solution [= some elimination ordering]
\item Make small change to get \emph{Neighbourhood}
\item Select neighbouring solution $\not\in \alpha$ with smallest cost
\item Repeat (iii), (iv) some time $\rightarrow$ return best solution
\begin{block}{Neighbourhood Generation}
Swap two vertices in elminiation ordering
\begin{block}{Step Cost}
\item Width of generated neighbour
\item But many neighbours with equal width, better:
$\rightarrow w_\pi * n^2 + \sum{v\in V}\vert N^+_\pi(v) \vert{}^2$
\subsection{Chordal Graph Recognition}
\begin{frame}{Chordal Graph Recognition Heuristics}
If it's chordal already, find perfect elminiation ordering (i.e. recognize it):
\item Maximum Cardinality Search
\item Lexicographical Breadth First Search
\dots{} tree decomposition depends on (perfect) elimination ordering found. Mostly determined by algorithms, except for first chosen $v_n$ (from right to left).
$\rightarrow$ try for all $v$
$\rightarrow$ adds factor $\mathcal{O}(n)$
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@ -107,8 +107,8 @@
\item $G^+_\pi$ is chordal
\item $G^+_\pi$ is chordal
\item $G$ is a subgraph of $G^+_\pi$
\item $G$ is a subgraph of $G^+_\pi$
\item $\pi$ is a perfect elimination ordering of $G^+_\pi$
\item $\pi$ is a perfect elimination ordering of $G^+_\pi$
\item $tw$ of \emph{subtree graph} (also a tree decomposition) of $G^+_\pi$ is $\text{MAXCLIQUE}(G^+_\pi)-1$ ~\cite{gavril1974}
\item $width$ of \emph{subtree graph} (also a tree decomposition) of $G^+_\pi$ is $\text{MAXCLIQUE}(G^+_\pi)-1$ ~\cite{gavril1974}
\item There is a tree decomposition algorithm for $G$ with $tw = \text{MAXCLIQUE}(G^+_\pi)-1$, polynomial in n ~\cite{bodlaender2010}
\item There is a tree decomposition algorithm for $G$ with $width = \text{MAXCLIQUE}(G^+_\pi)-1$, polynomial in n ~\cite{bodlaender2010}
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
\For{$i=1$ \KwTo $n$}{
\For{$i=1$ \KwTo $n$}{
Choose $v \in H$ by criterion \alert<2>{X}\\
Choose $v \in H$ by criteria \alert<2>{X}\\
Set $\pi^{-1}(i) = v$\\
Set $\pi^{-1}(i) = v$\\
Eliminate $v$ from $H$ (make $N_H(v)$ a clique and remove $v$)
Eliminate $v$ from $H$ (make $N_H(v)$ a clique and remove $v$)
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
\uncover<2>{\centering \alert{How to choose X?}}
\uncover<2>{\centering \alert{How to choose X?}}
\begin{frame}{Greedy Triangulation - Criterion X}
\begin{frame}{Greedy Triangulation - Criteria X}
\begin{block}{Minimum Degree/Greedy Degree}
\begin{block}{Minimum Degree/Greedy Degree}
X = $v$ with smallest degree in $H$\\
X = $v$ with smallest degree in $H$\\
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\begin{frame}{Greedy Results}
\item Average of 50 randomly generated graphs
\item Combinations of GreedyFillIn, GreedyDegree, Triangulation Minimisation
\item Best Results for combinations with Triangulation Minimisation
\item Worst Results for GreedyFillIn alone
\item GreedyDegree is fast and perfoming well
\caption{Results for Greedy Heuristics~\cite{bodlaender2010}}
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\subsection{Minimum Separating Vertex Set Heuristic}
\begin{frame}{Minimum Separating Vertex Set Heuristic}
\node[shape=circle,draw=black] (A) at (0,0) {$X_{j_3}$};
\node[shape=circle,draw=black] (B) at (3,0) {$X_{j_4}$};
\node[shape=circle,draw=black] (C) at (1.5,1.5) {$X_i$};
\only<2->{\node[shape=circle,fill=mLightBrown] (C) at (1.5,1.5) {$X_i$};}
\node[shape=circle,draw=black] (D) at (0,3) {$X_{j_1}$};
\node[shape=circle,draw=black] (E) at (3,3) {$X_{j_2}$};
\path (A) edge (C);
\path (B) edge (C);
\path (D) edge (C);
\path (E) edge (C);
\draw[style=dashed] (E) -- (3,4);
\draw[style=dashed] (E) -- (3.8,3.8);
\draw[style=dashed] (E) -- (4,3);
\node[shape=circle,fill=mLightBrown] (C) at (0,0) {$S$};
\node[shape=circle,fill=mLightBrown] (C1) at (-1,1) {$S \cup W_1$};
\node[shape=circle,draw=black] (C11) at (-2,2) {$X_{j_1}$};
\node[shape=circle,fill=mLightBrown] (C2) at (1,1) {$S \cup W_2$};
\node[shape=circle,draw=black] (C22) at (2,2) {$X_{j_2}$};
\node[shape=circle,fill=mLightBrown] (C3) at (-1,-1) {$S \cup W_3$};
\node[shape=circle,draw=black] (C33) at (-2,-2) {$X_{j_3}$};
\node[shape=circle,fill=mLightBrown] (C4) at (1,-1) {$S \cup W_4$};
\node[shape=circle,draw=black] (C44) at (2,-2) {$X_{j_4}$};
\draw (C) -- (C1) -- (C11);
\draw (C) -- (C2) -- (C22);
\draw (C) -- (C3) -- (C33);
\draw (C) -- (C4) -- (C44);
\draw[style=dashed] (C22) -- (2,3);
\draw[style=dashed] (C22) -- (2.8,2.8);
\draw[style=dashed] (C22) -- (3,2);
Choose $i\in I$ such that $\vert X_i \vert$ maximal and $G[X_i]$ does not include a clique.
Construct Graph $H_i$:\\
$H_i(X_i,E_{H_i}), E_{H_i} = \{\{v,w\} \in X_i\times X_i \vert \{v,w\} \in E \vee \exists j \neq i: v,w \in X_j\}$\\
Compute minimum separator $S$; $W_1,\dots{},W_r$ are components\\
Construct new tree decomposition
\subsection{Other Algorithms}
\item MinimalTriangulation (same principle as Minimum Separating Vertex Set Heuristic)
\item Component Splitting
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\subject{Upper Bounds}
\subject{Upper Bounds}
\title[Upper Bounds]{Treewidth computations I. Upper bounds}
\title[Upper Bounds]{Treewidth computations I. Upper bounds}
\subtitle{Hans L. Bodlaender, Arie M.C.A Koster}
\subtitle{Hans L. Bodlaender, Arie M.C.A Koster}
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\node {Thanks!}
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