2016-06-29 16:06:02 +02:00

106 lines
3.4 KiB

\begin{frame}{General Motivation}
\item Choose infeasible problem
\item Combinatorial Problems
\item Computational Biology
\item Constraint Satisfaction
\item \dots{}
\item Find FPT$_{tw}$ algorithm
\item Model problem as graph
\item Compute \emph{tree composition} with small \emph{tree width}
\uncover<2>{\alert{\item Tract the intractable}}
\tikzstyle{every node}=[]
\tikzstyle{every path}=[line width=0pt]
\draw[fill,green,opacity=1,line width=0]
(-1.5,0) -- (1.5,0)
(-1,0) .. controls (-.8,1) and (.8,1) .. (1,0);
\draw[fill,green!50,opacity=1,line width=0]
(-1,0) .. controls (-.8,1) and (.8,1) .. (1,0)
(1.1,0) .. controls (1.1,2.5) and (-1.1,2.5) .. (-1.1,0)
\draw[fill,red!50,opacity=1,line width=0]
(1.1,0) .. controls (1.1,2.5) and (-1.1,2.5) .. (-1.1,0)
(-1.2,0) .. controls (-1.2,3.5) and (1.2,3.5) .. (1.2,0)
\draw[fill,red!100,opacity=1,line width=0]
(-1.2,0) .. controls (-1.2,3.5) and (1.2,3.5) .. (1.2,0)
(1.5,0) .. controls (1.5,4.5) and (-3,4.5) .. (-1.5,0)
\draw[fill,red!100,opacity=1,line width=0]
(-1.2,0) .. controls (-1.2,3.5) and (1.2,3.5) .. (1.2,0)
(1.5,0) .. controls (3,4.5) and (-1.5,4.5) .. (-1.5,0)
(-1.5,0) -- (1.5,0)
(0,0.25) node[] {P}
(-1,0) .. controls (-.8,1) and (.8,1) .. (1,0)
(0,1.25) node[] {FPT}
(-1.1,0) .. controls (-1.1,2.5) and (1.1,2.5) .. (1.1,0)
(0,2.15) node[] {W[i]}
(-1.2,0) .. controls (-1.2,3.5) and (1.2,3.5) .. (1.2,0)
(-1,2.9) node[] {XP}
% (0,2.8) node[circle,black,fill,inner sep=0pt] {}
% (0,2.6) node[circle,black,fill,inner sep=0pt] {}
% (0,2.4) node[circle,black,fill,inner sep=0pt] {}
(-1.5,0) .. controls (-3,4.5) and (1.5,4.5) .. (1.5,0)
(1,2.9) node[] {paraNP}
% (0,2.8) node[circle,black,fill,inner sep=0pt] {}
% (0,2.6) node[circle,black,fill,inner sep=0pt] {}
% (0,2.4) node[circle,black,fill,inner sep=0pt] {}
(-1.5,0) .. controls (-1.5,4.5) and (3,4.5) .. (1.5,0)
\begin{frame}{Why Upper Bounds?}
\begin{block}{We want (efficiently)}
\item \emph{High} Lower Bound: Tree dec. not the right tool
\item \emph{Low} Upper Bound: Tree dec. works
\item Other combinations? -- Not so useful
\begin{block}{What this paper is about}
Exact algorithm: Huge constant factor \cite{roehrig1998}
\item[$\rightarrow$] Find a non-optimal tree decomposition
\item[$\rightarrow$] This is also an Upper Bound
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