import csv from bytetrie import ByteTrie def load_geonames(): t = ByteTrie(multi_value=True) with open("cities500.txt", "r") as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t') for i, row in enumerate(reader): try: t.insert(row[1].encode("utf-8"), row[17]) except Exception: print(f"Error in row {i}") print(f"Label: '{row[1]}'") print(f"Type: {type(row[1])}") raise return t def insert(trie): """ Shall only be used to insert strings """ t = trie def _insert(*vals): for val in vals: t.insert(val.encode('utf-8'), val) return _insert def load_simple_trie(): t = ByteTrie() ins = insert(t) ins("A") ins("AA", "AB") ins("ABCDE") ins("AACDEF", "AACDEGG", "AACDEH") return t # This uses internal representations which are not supposed to # be used as public API and are subject to change! from bytetrie.bytetrie import ByteTrie, Node, Root, Child, Terminal def geonames_to_dot(t: ByteTrie): dot_buffer = str() dot_buffer += """strict digraph { graph [ bgcolor="transparent" ]; edge [ arrowhead="none", penwidth="0.05", ]; node [ label="", sep="2" ]; root [shape="circle", width="0.4"] """ hue_inc = 1/len(t.root.children) hue = 0 for child in t.root.children: dot_buffer += _geonames_node_to_dot(t.root, child, 1, hue) hue += hue_inc dot_buffer += "}" return dot_buffer def _geonames_node_to_dot(p: Node, n: Child, depth, hue): db = f'{p.dot_id()} -> {n.dot_id()} [color="{hue},{depth*0.1},85"]\n' db += f'{n.dot_id()} [color="{hue},{depth*0.1},50", shape="circle", width="0.1"]\n' for child in n.children: db += _geonames_node_to_dot(n, child, depth+1, hue) return db if __name__ == "__main__": t = load_geonames() s = geonames_to_dot(t) with open("", "w") as f: f.write(s)