[all] Simplification

This commit is contained in:
Armin Friedl 2020-01-19 13:55:46 +01:00 committed by Gitea
parent 06f71418fb
commit 9393ed69f9

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@ -1,36 +1,32 @@
* Communication
** Frame
Header ::: content-length: u64 | message-type: u8 ::: 72 bit, fixed
Header ::: content-length: u16 | message-type: u8 ::: 3 byte, fixed
Body ::: content: [u8; content-length] ::: conent-length byte, variable
Numbers are in network byte order.
Unsigned integers in network byte order.
** Message Types
| Ordinal | Type | Body Format | Direction | Transitions | Description |
| 0 | Hello | Public Key | C -> S | Waiting for Link | Initiates communication |
| 1 | Link | <empty> | S -> C | Put, Get | Link established, communication can start |
| 2 | Put | Coffer (sealed) | C -> S | OkPut | Merge a ~Coffer~ for the client |
| 3 | Get | Coffer (sealed) | C -> S | OkGet | Retrieve a ~Coffer~ for the client |
| 4 | OkPut | <empty> | S -> C | Put, Get | ~Coffer~ was successfully merged |
| 5 | OkGet | Coffer (sealed) | S -> C | Put, Get | Return a sealed ~Coffer~ for a ~Get~ request |
| 63 | Bye | | C -> S | | Close connection |
| 127 | Error | | S -> C | | Generic server error |
| Ordinal | Type | Body Format | Direction | Transitions | Description |
| 0x00 | Hello | Client PK | C -> S | Link, KeyNotFound, Error | Initiates communication |
| 0x01 | Link | <empty> | S -> C | Get, Bye | Link established, communication can start |
| 0x02 | Get | <empt> | C -> S | OkGet, Error | Retrieve a secrets for the client |
| 0x03 | OkGet | Coffer (sealed) | S -> C | Bye | Send secrets to the client |
| 0x99 | Bye | Client PK | C -> S | • | Close connection |
| 0xaa | KeyNotFound | Client PK | S -> C | • | PK unknown to server |
| 0xff | Error | UTF-8 String | S -> C | • | Generic server error with reason |
- Error can be returned at any stage
- Communication can end at any stage. Communication ends when connection is closed by either side.
- Seal is determined by communication direction:
C -> S: sealed by server public key, client private key
S -> C: sealed by client public key, server private key
- Secrets returned as sealed cbor
* Coffer
- Multitree with each leave terminating in a Vec<u8>
- Nodes (except leaves = key path) are utf8 strings
- A ~Put~ request must contain a fully determined ~Coffer~ (all leaves are values)
- A ~Get~ request contains a partially determined ~Coffer~ (values are ignored)
- If a node resolves to a parent, the subtree (which is also a ~Coffer~) is returned
- If a node resolves to a leave, the partial ~Coffer~ terminating in the leave and its value are returned
- Sharded KV-Store
- Keys are UTF-8 Strings
- Typed values as defined by TOML: String, Integer, Float, Boolean, Date
* Coffer Server
A ~coffer-server~ can support multiple clients by means of /sharding/ the
keyspace. Clients are uniquely identified by their public key.
@ -43,26 +39,30 @@
key. No tampered requests can be sent or communication data collected except
the private keys are compromised.
* Coffer YAML
** Secrets Definition
Encrypted with: SK of coffer-companion, PK of coffer-server
* Coffer Definition (TOML)
Encrypted Authentication: SK of coffer-companion, PK of coffer-server
#+BEGIN_SRC yaml
# Names for ids (public keys) of clients
#+BEGIN_SRC yaml
# Names for ids (public keys) of clients
# Secrets for a named client (defined in clients)
secretkey = "secret value"
secretkey2 = "secret value2"
# Secrets for a named client (defined in clients)
secretkey = "secret value"
secretkey2 = "secret value2"
** Secret Response
file client executes GET to server
* Coffer Response
Encrypted Authentication: SK of coffer-server, PK of coffer-client
Format: cbor
#+BEGIN_SRC yaml
secretkey = "secret value"
secretkey2 = "secret value2"
CofferResponse = List<CofferSecret>
CofferSecret {
key: UTF-8 String,
value: CofferValue
CofferValue = String | Integer | Float | Boolean | Date