[![Build Status](https://drone.friedl.net/api/badges/playground/suckless-quark/status.svg)](https://drone.friedl.net/playground/suckless-quark) This is my private tree of [quark](tools.suckless.org/quark/). Upstream can be found at https://git.suckless.org/quark. Quark is a small http server. # Feature Patches ## Dirl: Customizable directory listing [dirl](https://git.friedl.net/playground/suckless-quark/src/branch/dirlist) lets you serve a fully customizable directory listing. You can compile `dirl` from the `dirlist` branch, download a pre-compiled [musl binary](https://dirlist.friedl.net/bin/suckless/quark/quark-dirl) or even pull a pre-made [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/arminfriedl/quark). You can find an example deployment of [here](https://dirlist.friedl.net/). It uses the default template just with a custom css. You can define your own templates too for full customization. For details see the dirl [README.md](https://git.friedl.net/playground/suckless-quark/src/branch/dirlist/README.md). # Issues ## fork: Resource temporarily unavailable When running [quark](http://tools.suckless.org/quark/) (#6606994) on my system with `sudo ./quark -p 9763 -u -g ` it dies with `./quark: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable` at `fork()`. Reason being that by default quark sets the RLIMIT_NPROC to 512 processes. When running as a non-exclusive user this limit is easily reached before even starting quark. `resource-depletion-fix` contains a small forkbomb (`minibomb.c`) to simulate a user with > 512 processes. Compile it with `make minibomb`. When running the minibomb and quark with the same user quark fails. The `resource-depletion-fix` branch contains a fix by setting the RLIMIT_NPROC only if the current system limit is lower than what would be set by quark. You can [download the patch](https://dirlist.friedl.net/suckless/quark/), or compile from the `resource-depletion-fix` branch. Note that quark also has a `-n` parameter with which the max number of processes can be set as an alternative to this patch. # Github Users If you are visiting this repository on GitHub, you are on a mirror of https://git.friedl.net/playground/suckless-quark. This mirror is regularily updated with my other GitHub mirrors. In contrast to other projects I do not intend to move this tree to GitHub in the future. It is meant to stay a read-only mirror. You are welcome to pull any changes from this repository into your quark tree. If you want to contribute consider [contributing](http://suckless.org/hacking/) directly to [upstream](http://suckless.org/community/). If you still - for whichever reasons - want to contribute to my tree directly, feel free to send patches to dev[at]friedl[dot]net. Alternatviely you can issue a pull request on GitHub which will be cherry picked into my tree.