Laslo Hunhold d105c28aad
Ensure const-correctness where possible and refactor parse_range()
I know that the effect of 'const' on compiler optimizations is smaller
than many believe, but it provides a good insight to the caller which
parameters are not modified and simplifies parallelization, in case
that is desired at a later point.

Throughout processing, the big structs mostly remained unmodified, with
the exception of parse_range(), which added a null-byte in the "Range"-
header to simplify its parsing. This commit refactors parse_range()
such that it won't modify this string anymore.

Additionally, the parser was made even stricter: Usually, strtoll()
(which is wrapped by strtonum()) allows whitespace and plus and minus
signs before the number, which is not part of the specification. The
stricter parser also better differentiates now between invalid requests
and range-lists. In that context, the switch in http_send_response()
was replaced for better readability.

Signed-off-by: Laslo Hunhold <dev@frign.de>
2020-08-05 18:28:21 +02:00

244 lines
5.3 KiB

/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "http.h"
#include "resp.h"
#include "util.h"
static int
compareent(const struct dirent **d1, const struct dirent **d2)
int v;
v = ((*d2)->d_type == DT_DIR ? 1 : -1) -
((*d1)->d_type == DT_DIR ? 1 : -1);
if (v) {
return v;
return strcmp((*d1)->d_name, (*d2)->d_name);
static char *
suffix(int t)
switch (t) {
case DT_FIFO: return "|";
case DT_DIR: return "/";
case DT_LNK: return "@";
case DT_SOCK: return "=";
return "";
static void
html_escape(const char *src, char *dst, size_t dst_siz)
const struct {
char c;
char *s;
} escape[] = {
{ '&', "&amp;" },
{ '<', "&lt;" },
{ '>', "&gt;" },
{ '"', "&quot;" },
{ '\'', "&#x27;" },
size_t i, j, k, esclen;
for (i = 0, j = 0; src[i] != '\0'; i++) {
for (k = 0; k < LEN(escape); k++) {
if (src[i] == escape[k].c) {
if (k == LEN(escape)) {
/* no escape char at src[i] */
if (j == dst_siz - 1) {
/* silent truncation */
} else {
dst[j++] = src[i];
} else {
/* escape char at src[i] */
esclen = strlen(escape[k].s);
if (j >= dst_siz - esclen) {
/* silent truncation */
} else {
memcpy(&dst[j], escape[k].s, esclen);
j += esclen;
dst[j] = '\0';
enum status
resp_dir(int fd, const char *name, const struct request *req)
enum status sendstatus;
struct dirent **e;
struct response res = {
.status = S_OK,
.field[RES_CONTENT_TYPE] = "text/html; charset=utf-8",
size_t i;
int dirlen;
char esc[PATH_MAX /* > NAME_MAX */ * 6]; /* strlen("&...;") <= 6 */
/* read directory */
if ((dirlen = scandir(name, &e, NULL, compareent)) < 0) {
return http_send_status(fd, S_FORBIDDEN);
/* send header as late as possible */
if ((sendstatus = http_send_header(fd, &res)) != res.status) {
res.status = sendstatus;
goto cleanup;
if (req->method == M_GET) {
/* listing header */
html_escape(name, esc, sizeof(esc));
if (dprintf(fd,
"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n\t<head>"
"<title>Index of %s</title></head>\n"
"\t<body>\n\t\t<a href=\"..\">..</a>",
esc) < 0) {
res.status = S_REQUEST_TIMEOUT;
goto cleanup;
/* listing */
for (i = 0; i < (size_t)dirlen; i++) {
/* skip hidden files, "." and ".." */
if (e[i]->d_name[0] == '.') {
/* entry line */
html_escape(e[i]->d_name, esc, sizeof(esc));
if (dprintf(fd, "<br />\n\t\t<a href=\"%s%s\">%s%s</a>",
(e[i]->d_type == DT_DIR) ? "/" : "",
suffix(e[i]->d_type)) < 0) {
res.status = S_REQUEST_TIMEOUT;
goto cleanup;
/* listing footer */
if (dprintf(fd, "\n\t</body>\n</html>\n") < 0) {
res.status = S_REQUEST_TIMEOUT;
goto cleanup;
while (dirlen--) {
return res.status;
enum status
resp_file(int fd, const char *name, const struct request *req,
const struct stat *st, const char *mime, off_t lower, off_t upper)
FILE *fp;
enum status sendstatus;
struct response res = {
.status = (req->field[REQ_RANGE][0] != '\0') ?
.field[RES_ACCEPT_RANGES] = "bytes",
ssize_t bread, bwritten;
off_t remaining;
static char buf[BUFSIZ], *p;
/* open file */
if (!(fp = fopen(name, "r"))) {
res.status = http_send_status(fd, S_FORBIDDEN);
goto cleanup;
/* seek to lower bound */
if (fseek(fp, lower, SEEK_SET)) {
res.status = http_send_status(fd, S_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
goto cleanup;
/* build header */
if (esnprintf(res.field[RES_CONTENT_LENGTH],
"%zu", upper - lower + 1)) {
return http_send_status(fd, S_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
if (req->field[REQ_RANGE][0] != '\0') {
if (esnprintf(res.field[RES_CONTENT_RANGE],
"bytes %zd-%zd/%zu", lower, upper,
st->st_size)) {
return http_send_status(fd, S_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
if (esnprintf(res.field[RES_CONTENT_TYPE],
"%s", mime)) {
return http_send_status(fd, S_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
if (timestamp(res.field[RES_LAST_MODIFIED],
st->st_mtim.tv_sec)) {
return http_send_status(fd, S_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
/* send header as late as possible */
if ((sendstatus = http_send_header(fd, &res)) != res.status) {
res.status = sendstatus;
goto cleanup;
if (req->method == M_GET) {
/* write data until upper bound is hit */
remaining = upper - lower + 1;
while ((bread = fread(buf, 1, MIN(sizeof(buf),
(size_t)remaining), fp))) {
if (bread < 0) {
goto cleanup;
remaining -= bread;
p = buf;
while (bread > 0) {
bwritten = write(fd, p, bread);
if (bwritten <= 0) {
res.status = S_REQUEST_TIMEOUT;
goto cleanup;
bread -= bwritten;
p += bwritten;
if (fp) {
return res.status;