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2020-10-26 10:47:07 +00:00
"""Radix Trie with radix 256
A Radix Trie[1] - once built - allows efficient prefix search. The trie works
on byte strings and hence is oblivious to encoding. The encoding for creation
and search must match. Payload of each node can be an arbitrary object.
.. code :: python
t = Trie()
t.add("Hello", "P1")
t.add("Hi", "P2")
t.add("Hela", "P3")
t.find("He") # ["P1", "P3"]
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Sequence, MutableSequence, ByteString, Any, Optional
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Trie:
def __init__(self, multi_value=False):
self.root = Root([])
self.multi_value = multi_value
def insert(self, label: ByteString, content: Any):"Inserting {label} into Trie")
start = self.root.child_by_common_prefix(label)
if not start:
log.debug(f"Creating new terminal for {label} at root")
new_node = Terminal(label, content, self.root, [], self.multi_value)
return new_node
log.debug(f"Found match {start} for {label}. Traversing down")
self._insert(start, label, content)
def _insert(self, node, label, content):"Inserting {label} into Trie at {node}")
if node.has_label(label):
log.debug(f"{node} equals {label}. Wrapping node as Terminal.")
if isinstance(node, Terminal) and not self.multi_value:
log.warning(f"{node} is already a Terminal. Content will be overwritten.")
terminal = Terminal.from_child(node, content, self.multi_value)
return terminal
if node.is_prefix_of(label):
log.debug(f"{node} is prefix of {label}")
cutoff = node.cut_from(label)
next_node = node.child_by_common_prefix(cutoff)
if not next_node:
log.debug(f"No matching child found for {cutoff}. Creating new child terminal.")
terminal = Terminal(cutoff, content, node, [], self.multi_value)
return terminal
log.debug(f"Found match {next_node} for {cutoff}. Traversing down.")
return self._insert(next_node, cutoff, content)
if node.starts_with(label):
log.debug(f"{label} is part of {node}. Creating new parent from {label}")
new_node = Terminal(label, content, node.parent, [], self.multi_value)
return new_node
log.debug(f"{label} and {node} have a common ancestor")
common_prefix = node.common_prefix(label)
log.debug(f"Creating new ancestor for {common_prefix}")
ancestor = Child(common_prefix, node.parent, [])
terminal = Terminal(cut_off_prefix(common_prefix, label), content, ancestor, [], self.multi_value)
return terminal
def find(self, prefix):
node = self._find(self.root, prefix)
return self._get_terminals(node, prefix)
def _find(self, node, prefix, collector=""):
cutoff = node.cut_from(prefix)
log.debug(f"Searching for {cutoff} in {node}")
child = node.child_by_prefix_match(cutoff)
if not child and not cutoff:
return node
elif not child and cutoff:
log.debug(f"Leftover cutoff {cutoff}. Trying to find node with prefix {cutoff}")
child = node.child_by_common_prefix(cutoff)
if not child or not child.starts_with(cutoff):
return None
log.debug(f"Found child {child} starting with {cutoff}")
return child
else: # child must be not None
log.debug(f"Found node {child} in {node} for {cutoff}. Traversing down.")
return self._find(child, cutoff)
def _get_terminals(self, node, label_builder):
if not node: return []
collector = []
if isinstance(node, Terminal):
collector.append((node, label_builder))
for child in node.children:
l = child.extend(label_builder)
collector.extend(self._get_terminals(child, l))
return collector
def to_dot(self) -> str:
return "graph {\n\n"+self.root.to_dot()+"\n}"
def has_common_prefix(label: ByteString, other_label: ByteString) -> bool:
""" Whether label and other_label have a prefix in common. """
assert label and other_label
return True if label[0] == other_label[0] else False
def common_prefix(label: ByteString, other_label: ByteString) -> ByteString:
""" Get the common prefix of label and other_label. """
buffer = bytearray()
for (a,b) in zip(label, other_label):
if a == b: buffer.append(a)
else: break
return buffer
def is_prefix_of(prefix: ByteString, label: ByteString) -> bool:
""" Whether label starts with prefix """
if len(prefix) > len(label):
return False
for (a,b) in zip(prefix, label):
if a != b: return False
return True
def find_first(predicate, iterable):
""" Return the first element in iterable that satisfies predicate or None """
try: return next(filter(predicate, iterable))
except StopIteration: return None
def cut_off_prefix(prefix: ByteString, label: ByteString) -> ByteString:
""" Cut prefix from start of label. Return rest of label. """
assert is_prefix_of(prefix, label)
return bytes(label[len(prefix):])
class Node(ABC):
def __init__(self, children: MutableSequence[Child]):
self.children = children
def child_by_common_prefix(self, label: ByteString) -> Optional[Child]:
""" Return Child that has a common prefix with label if one exists. """
def by_common_prefix(child: Child):
return has_common_prefix(child.label, label)
return find_first(by_common_prefix, self.children)
def child_by_prefix_match(self, label: ByteString) -> Optional[Child]:
""" Return Child which label is a prefix of the given label if one exists. """
def by_prefix_match(child: Child):
return is_prefix_of(child.label, label)
return find_first(by_prefix_match, self.children)
def put_child(self, child: Child):
""" Put child into this node's children. Replacing existing children. """
if child in self.children:
log.warning(f"Replacing child {child.label}")
child.parent = self
def replace_child(self, child: Child, replacement: Child):
""" Remove child from this node's children and add replacement. """
def remove_child(self, child: Child):
""" Remove child from this node's children """
if not child in self.children:
log.warning(f"Trying to delete {child.label} but it does not exist.")
def dot_label(self) -> str:
""" Readable label for this node in a dot graph """
def dot_id(self) -> str:
""" Technical id for this node in a dot graph. Must be unique. """
def cut_from(self, label: ByteString) -> ByteString:
""" Cut off node's label considered as prefix from label. """
def to_dot(self) -> str:
s = f'{self.dot_id()} [label="{self.dot_label()}"]\n'
for child in self.children:
s += f"{self.dot_id()} -- {child.dot_id()}\n"
s += child.to_dot()
return s
class Root(Node):
def cut_from(self, label: ByteString) -> ByteString:
return label
def dot_label(self):
return "root"
def dot_id(self):
return "root"
class Child(Node):
def __init__(self, label: ByteString, parent: Node, children: MutableSequence[Child]):
self.label = label
self.parent = parent
self.children = children
def __eq__(self, other_child):
return (isinstance(other_child, Child)
and self.label == other_child.label)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.label)
def __str__(self):
return self.label.decode('utf-8', 'replace').replace('"', '\\"')
def dot_label(self):
return self.label.decode('utf-8', 'replace').replace('"', '\\"')
def dot_id(self):
return id(self)
def has_label(self, label):
return self.label == label
def is_prefix_of(self, label):
return is_prefix_of(self.label, label)
def replace_with(self, new_child: Child):
new_child.parent = self.parent
self.parent.replace_child(self, new_child)
def starts_with(self, label: ByteString) -> bool:
return is_prefix_of(label, self.label)
def cut_from(self, label: ByteString) -> ByteString:
""" Cut node's label from (start of) label """
return cut_off_prefix(self.label, label)
def strip_prefix(self, prefix: ByteString):
""" Cut off prefix from node's label """
self.label = cut_off_prefix(prefix, self.label)
def extend(self, label: ByteString) -> ByteString:
""" Extend label by node's label """
return bytes(label) + bytes(self.label)
def split_label_at(self, index):
return (self.label[:index], self.label[index:])
def contains(self, label):
if len(label) > len(self.label):
return False
for (a,b) in zip(self.label, label):
if a != b: return False
return True
def common_prefix(self, label):
return common_prefix(self.label, label)
class Terminal(Child):
def __init__(self, label: ByteString, content: Any, parent: Node, children: MutableSequence[Child], multi_value: bool):
super().__init__(label, parent, children)
self.multi_value = multi_value
self.content = [content] if multi_value else content
def from_child(cls, child: Child, content: Any, multi_value: bool):
# multi_value param has no effect if already a Terminal. I.e.
# from_child cannot change the multi-value stage of a child that
# is already a Terminal
if isinstance(child, Terminal) and child.multi_value:
# Create a new Terminal instance. Although not needed this is what is expected
# and compatible to the non-multi-value behaviour.
t = cls(child.label, content, child.parent, child.children, child.multi_value)
t.content.extend(child.content) # add back original content
return t
return cls(child.label, content, child.parent, child.children, multi_value)
def to_dot(self) -> str:
s = super().to_dot()
s += f"{self.dot_id()} [color=blue]\n"
return s