Allow the user to control the log level via the conventional `-v` command line option. Multiplying this option-as per convention-increases the verbosity. This is an additional way to set the log level, in addition to the existing: - environment variable - build type (debug vs release) Given it is the most intentional and direct way to set the log level it has precedence over all other options. |
doc | ||
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Makefile | || | || |
Do What I Mean Extractor
Continuing the emacs tradition of "Do What I Mean" tools, xwim is replacement for the excellent, but unfortunately unmaintained, dtrx. xwim is a command line tool that targets two problems with archives:
- Command line tools for extracting archives are often archaic and differ considerably between formats
- Inconsiderately packaged archives tend to spill their content over the directory they are extracted to
is a Python script that sets up the command line and calls appropriate
archiving binaries (if installed). In contrast xwim
is a compiled binary based
directly on archiving libraries, which some may appreciate. It can optionally be
statically linked if you want it entirely self-contained.
currently released for Linux only. There are two flavers: statically
linked and dynamically linked. The releases can be downloaded from and should run on most 64-bit
GNU/Linux distributions.
For the dynamically linked version, the following dependencies have to be installed:
Windows support is planned for the first stable release. Packaging for various
distributions is also planned once xwim
stabilizes. Please reach out if you
can help.
Invoking xwim
is as simple as:
xwim archive.tar.gz
This will extract the archive to the current folder. If the archive contains a single root folder it is just extracted as is. Otherwise xwim creates a folder named after the archive and extracts the contents there.
xwim /home/user/
This will create an archive in the "platform native" format (zip on windows,
tar.gz on unix) in the current working directory. The archive contains a single
root folder user
and is itself named
or user.tar.gz
xwim /home/user/file.txt
This will create an archive in the "platform native" format (zip on windows,
tar.gz on unix) in the current working directory. The archive contains a single
entry file.txt
and is itself named
or file.tar.gz
Single root folder named after the archive
-- archive/
-- file.txt
-- file2.txt
xwim will just extract the archive to the current directory.
Multiple files/folders in archive root
-- archive/
| |
| -- file.txt
-- file2.txt
xwim will create a folder archive
in the current directory and extract the
archive contents there.
Supported formats
Currently xwim
supports tar.gz
and zip
archives. However, this will
rapidly expand to many more formats until a stable release is officially
Take a look Archiver.hpp
if you want to help and have some time for testing.
Most formats can readily be added if they are supported by libarchive. For other
formats you have to add an Archiver
xwim is built with meson. To compile xwim from source you need:
Additionally you need some libraries installed:
# Get the source
git clone
# Build xwim executable
cd xwim
meson build
cd build
meson compile
# Run executable on the test archive
# This will extract root.tar.gz to
# the current working directory
src/xwim test/archives/root.tar.gz
xwim strives to just do the right thing out of the box. Consequently, it does not require any configuration. If you are unhappy with the defaults you can change them though.
Changing the log level
Per default xwim chooses an appropriate log level according to your build type
(debug/release builds). If you want to change the verbosity you can set the
environment variable. Valid levels are:
- trace
- debug
- info
- warning
- error
- critical
- off
While xwim is still in incubator phase (i.e. before version 1.0) its main repository is hosted on with a mirror on With the first stable release it will most likely move to GitHub as its main repository.
If you want to contribute, you can either issue a pull request on its Github mirror (will be cherry picked into the main repository) or send patches to dev[at]friedl[dot]net.
If you are interested in a long-term co-maintainership you can also drop me a mail for an account on
Known Issues
- Parsing filters is unsupported
There is a somewhat long standing
bug in libarchive. rar
files might fail with
Parsing filters is unsupported
. This is becauserar
is a proprietary format andlibarchive
does not implement the full machinery necessary to supportrar
is all about convenience. If you want to help with supportingrar
, please keep in mind that this means we have we want to take the officialunrar
library if possible. This is also a licensing issue asunrar
is proprietary and its license seemingly not GPL compatible.