// Zig has a handy "try" shortcut for this common error handling pattern:
//     canFail() catch |err| return err;
// which can be more compactly written as:
//     try canFail();
const std = @import("std");

const MyNumberError = error{

pub fn main() void {
    var a: u32 = addFive(44) catch 0;
    var b: u32 = addFive(14) catch 0;
    var c: u32 = addFive(4)  catch 0;

    std.debug.print("a={}, b={}, c={}", .{a,b,c});

fn addFive(n: u32) MyNumberError!u32 {
    // This function needs to return any error which might come back from detect().
    // Please use a "try" statement rather than a "catch".
    var x = detect(n);

    return x + 5;

fn detect(n: u32) MyNumberError!u32 {
    if (n < 10) return MyNumberError.TooSmall;
    if (n > 20) return MyNumberError.TooBig;
    return n;