/* * logger-test.js: Tests for instances of the winston Logger * * (C) 2010 Charlie Robbins * MIT LICENSE * */ var path = require('path'), vows = require('vows'), assert = require('assert'), winston = require('../lib/winston'), helpers = require('./helpers'); vows.describe('winton/logger').addBatch({ "An instance of winston.Logger": { topic: new (winston.Logger)({ transports: [new (winston.transports.Console)({ level: 'info' })] }), "should have the correct methods / properties defined": function (logger) { helpers.assertLogger(logger); }, "the add() with an unsupported transport": { "should throw an error": function () { assert.throws(function () { logger.add('unsupported') }, Error); } } } }).addBatch({ "An instance of winston.Logger with no transports": { topic: new (winston.Logger)({ emitErrs: true }), "the log() method should throw an error": function (logger) { assert.throws(function () { logger.log('anything') }, Error); }, "the extend() method called on an empty object": { topic: function (logger) { var empty = {}; logger.extend(empty); return empty; }, "should define the appropriate methods": function (extended) { ['log', 'profile', 'startTimer'].concat(Object.keys(winston.config.npm.levels)).forEach(function (method) { assert.isFunction(extended[method]); }); } }, "the add() method with a supported transport": { topic: function (logger) { return logger.add(winston.transports.Console); }, "should add the console Transport onto transports": function (logger) { assert.equal(helpers.size(logger.transports), 1); helpers.assertConsole(logger.transports.console); }, "should throw an error when the same Transport is added": function (logger) { assert.throws(function () { logger.add(winston.transports.Console) }, Error); }, "the log() method": { topic: function (logger) { logger.once('logging', this.callback); logger.log('info', 'test message'); }, "should emit the 'log' event with the appropriate transport": function (transport, ign) { helpers.assertConsole(transport); } }, "the profile() method": { "when passed a callback": { topic: function (logger) { var that = this; logger.profile('test1'); setTimeout(function () { logger.profile('test1', function (err, level, msg, meta) { that.callback(err, level, msg, meta, logger); }); }, 1000); }, "should respond with the appropriate profile message": function (err, level, msg, meta, logger) { assert.isNull(err); assert.equal(level, 'info'); assert.match(meta.duration, /(\d+)ms/); assert.isTrue(typeof logger.profilers['test'] === 'undefined'); } }, "when not passed a callback": { topic: function (logger) { var that = this; logger.profile('test2'); logger.once('logging', that.callback.bind(null, null)); setTimeout(function () { logger.profile('test2'); }, 1000); }, "should respond with the appropriate profile message": function (err, transport, level, msg, meta) { assert.isNull(err); assert.equal(level, 'info'); assert.match(meta.duration, /(\d+)ms/); } } }, "the startTimer() method": { "when passed a callback": { topic: function (logger) { var that = this; var timer = logger.startTimer() setTimeout(function () { timer.done('test', function(err, level, msg, meta) { that.callback(err, level, msg, meta, logger); }); }, 1000); }, "should respond with the appropriate message": function(err, level, msg, meta, logger) { assert.isNull(err); assert.equal(level, 'info'); assert.match(meta.duration, /(\d+)ms/); } }, "when not passed a callback": { topic: function (logger) { var that = this; var timer = logger.startTimer() logger.once('logging', that.callback.bind(null, null)); setTimeout(function () { timer.done(); }, 1000); }, "should respond with the appropriate message": function(err, transport, level, msg, meta) { assert.isNull(err); assert.equal(level, 'info'); assert.match(meta.duration, /(\d+)ms/); var duration = parseInt(meta.duration); assert.isNumber(duration); assert.isTrue(duration > 900 && duration < 1100); } } }, "and adding an additional transport": { topic: function (logger) { return logger.add(winston.transports.File, { filename: path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'logs', 'testfile2.log') }); }, "should be able to add multiple transports": function (logger) { assert.equal(helpers.size(logger.transports), 2); helpers.assertConsole(logger.transports.console); helpers.assertFile(logger.transports.file); } } } } }).addBatch({ "The winston logger": { topic: new (winston.Logger)({ transports: [ new (winston.transports.Console)(), new (winston.transports.File)({ filename: path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'logs', 'filelog.log' )}) ] }), "should return have two transports": function(logger) { assert.equal(helpers.size(logger.transports), 2); }, "the remove() with an unadded transport": { "should throw an Error": function (logger) { assert.throws(function () { logger.remove(winston.transports.Loggly) }, Error); } }, "the remove() method with an added transport": { topic: function (logger) { return logger.remove(winston.transports.Console); }, "should remove the Console transport from transports": function (logger) { assert.equal(helpers.size(logger.transports), 1); helpers.assertFile(logger.transports.file); }, "and removing an additional transport": { topic: function (logger) { return logger.remove(winston.transports.File); }, "should remove File transport from transports": function (logger) { assert.equal(helpers.size(logger.transports), 0); } } } } }).export(module);