187 lines
4.2 KiB
187 lines
4.2 KiB
import re
store = {}
ops = []
with open("day24") as f:
l = next(f)
while l.strip():
match = re.match(r'([xy][0-9]+): ([01])', l)
store[match.groups()[0]] = bool(int(match.groups()[1]))
l = next(f)
l = next(f)
while l.strip():
match = re.match(r'([a-z0-9]+) (AND|OR|XOR) ([a-z0-9]+) -> ([a-z0-9]+)', l)
ops.append((match.groups()[1], match.groups()[0], match.groups()[2], match.groups()[3]))
l = next(f, "")
def calc(op, a,b):
match op:
case "AND":
return (a and b)
case "OR":
return (a or b)
case "XOR":
return (a ^ b)
from copy import copy
def run(ops, store):
store = copy(store)
done = False
while not done:
done = True
for op in ops:
if op[3] not in store: done = False
if op[1] in store and op[2] in store:
store[op[3]] = calc(op[0], store[op[1]], store[op[2]])
return store
def bin_to_int(prefix: str, store):
from collections import deque
num = deque()
sorted_store = sorted(store.items())
for item in sorted_store:
if item[0].startswith(prefix):
return int(''.join(num), 2)
s = run(ops, store)
print(bin_to_int("z", s))
# This should calculate x+y with logic gates, so effectively we're
# looking at some kind of binary adder
# more specifically looking at the first few gates, this seems to
# match a standard full adder:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adder_(electronics)#/media/File:Full-adder_logic_diagram.svg
# y00 XOR x00 -> z00
# y00 AND x00 -> hfm
# y01 XOR x01 -> hqt
# hfm XOR hqt -> z01
# hqt AND hfm -> hkm
# x01 AND y01 -> qng
# qng OR hkm -> dmw
# y02 XOR x02 -> bfr
# dmw XOR bfr -> z02
# bfr AND dmw -> fvk
# ...
# Let's hope there's no mean traps otherwise I'm screwed
def find_op(op, a, b, ops):
for it in ops:
if it[0:3] == (op, a, b):
return _(it)
if it[0:3] == (op, b, a):
return _(it)
def find_partial(op, a, b, ops):
for it in ops:
if it[0] == op and it[1] in [a,b]:
return _(it)
if it[0] == op and it[2] in [a,b]:
return _(it)
x = 1
y = 1
z = 1
carry = "hfm"
carry_op = ("AND", "y00", "x00")
failed = []
consumed = []
trans = [("z07", "nqk"), ("pcp", "fgt"), ("fpq", "z24"), ("z32", "srn")]
def _(s):
global trans
if type(s) is tuple:
return *s[0:3], _(s[3])
ts = None
for t in trans:
if s in t:
ts = t
if ts:
return ts[0] if ts[1] == s else ts[1]
return s
while x < 45:
x1 = find_op("XOR", f"x{x:02d}", f"y{y:02d}", ops)
if x1:
op = ("XOR", f"x{x:02d}", f"y{y:02d}")
print(f"Could not find expected x1 {op}")
a2 = find_op("AND", f"x{x:02d}", f"y{y:02d}", ops)
if a2:
op = ("AND", f"x{x:02d}", f"y{y:02d}")
print(f"Could not find expected a2 {op}")
x2 = find_op("XOR", f"{x1[3]}", f"{carry}", ops)
if x2 and x2[3] == f"z{x:02d}":
op = ("XOR", f"{x1[3]}", f"{carry}", f"z{x:02d}")
print(f"Could not find expected x2 {op}")
x2 = find_partial("XOR", f"{x1[3]}", f"{carry}", ops)
if x2: print(f"Found partial x2 {x2}")
a1 = find_op("AND", f"{x1[3]}", f"{carry}", ops)
if a1:
op = ("AND", f"{x1[3]}", f"{carry}")
print(f"Could not find expected a1 {op}")
a1 = find_partial("AND", f"{x1[3]}", f"{carry}", ops)
if a2: print(f"Found partial a1 {a1}")
o1 = find_op("OR", f"{a1[3]}", f"{a2[3]}", ops)
if o1:
op = ("OR", f"{a1[3]}", f"{a2[3]}")
print(f"Could not find expected o1 {op}")
o1 = find_partial("OR", f"{a1[3]}", f"{a2[3]}", ops)
if a2: print(f"Found partial o1 {o1}")
x += 1
y += 1
carry = o1[3]
carry_op = o1
coll = []
for t in trans: