Armin Friedl d47b43d8a6
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2021-02-25 21:34:18 +01:00

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Dirl is a tiny server for customized directory listings. It is based on quark.

Getting Started

Pre-built binaries linked against glibc and musl can be downloaded from https://dirlist.friedl.net.

In addition alpine based docker images are provided at arminfriedl/dirl on DockerHub.

To start a directory listing just run the binary or start a container.


Per default dirl generates standard compliant html for a directory listing like this:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC " - // W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">
<!-- Header Section -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <title>Index of {uri}</title>
    <h1>Index of {uri}</h1>
    <p><a href="..">&crarr; Parent Directory</a></p>
    <hr />
<!-- /Header Section -->

<!-- Entry Section -->
<!-- (repeated for each entry in the directory) -->
        <td><a href="{entry}">{entry}{suffix}</a>
<!-- /Entry Section -->

<!-- Footer Section -->
    <hr />
      Served by <a href="http://tools.suckless.org/quark/">quark</a> and <a href="https://git.friedl.net/playground/suckless-quark/src/branch/dirlist">dirl</a>
<!-- /Footer Section -->


The default listing can be styled by a style.css in the root directory.

You can also use your fully customized template by creating one or all the template files for each section. Per default the section templates are named:

  • .header.tpl
  • .entry.tpl (repeated for each directory entry)
  • .footer.tpl

Note that if you only provide some of the template files, they have to be compatible with the generated default for the other sections.

For each of these templates you can use placeholders that are replaced by their respective values:

  • header
    • {uri}: Replaced by the current path
  • entry
    • {entry}: Name of the entry
    • {suffix}: A suffix for the entry, mostly useful to distinguish directories (suffix '/') from files
    • {modified}: Date the entry was last modified
    • {size}: Size of the entry (if available)

Subdirectory styling

dirl tries to the closest template for the currently visited path. This gives you the opportunity to override templates in subdirectories. dirl walks the directory hierarchy upwards from the currently visited path. As soon as it finds one of the template files in a directory, it stops searching and uses the templates in that directory.

In case no templates are found up until and including root, the default templates are used.

Customize names

The files defined as templates and style are ignored in the directory listing itself. In case you need to list one of these directories, or have any other reason to choose different names, the filenames can be configured in dirl.h. Note that you need to compile your own quark version then.


You can also download CI builds for quark-dirl.

There are no official releases. Quark has no dependencies and you can easily build it from source. Don't forget to read up on the suckless philosophy.

Github Users

If you are visiting this repository on GitHub, you are on a mirror of https://git.friedl.net/incubator/dirl. This mirror is regularily updated with my other GitHub mirrors.

Like with my other incubator projects, once I consider dirl reasonable stable the main tree will move on GitHub.

Dirl is built upon quark. You are welcome to pull any changes from this repository into your own quark tree. If you want to contribute consider contributing directly to upstream.

If you want to contribute to dirl directly, feel free to send patches to dev[at]friedl[dot]net. Alternatviely, you can issue a pull request on GitHub which will be cherry picked into my tree. If you plan significant long-term contributions drop me a mail for access to the incubator repository.